Please Allow Spotify OFFLINE

Warren, any hope/updates with this?

You still would need Spotify to create new playlists. :slight_smile:

Hmmm, you may be onto something really BIG here

Warren, your thoughts?

algoriddim takes FOREVER to update their app

we were waiting for iOS8 to “fix” this
well iOS 8 is here

how much longer do we have to wait?
djay2 with Spotify integration is unusable outside my house without OFFLINE mode

ye, this is not good at all.
semms it will never happen

i am thinking of Stopping my Spotify premium subscription and stop using djay2 altogether because of the lack of OFFLINE support

it is unusable for me outside my “bedroom”

i gave up on miracles,
i think it can be done,
but algoriddim doesn’t know how to make it happen,
if spotify can do it, why not djay2? think about it

so what did i do? i bought the iphone 6 plus,
i have connection all the time, so spotify is online in djay app

If Spotify can play my Offline Playlists… (no internet)

Then why not DJAY?


THANKS for even considering

Hope you realize how huge this would be and how much the offline mode is needed.


For OFFLINE Spotify access to happen, is iOS 8 necessary ???

i was hoping the latest 2.5.3 would allow for OFFLINE Spotify use :frowning:

just realized this weekend that djay2 DOES NOT play your actual “offline” Spotify files you’ve downloaded.

djay downloads EVERY file when you load even if you have it locally on ipad.

i know this as i had enough of an internet connection to allow me to see my Spotify playlists, when when i tried to load files, it gave me error, no internet, on all files, even those already on ipad.

i think djay should play files already downloaded, why re-download again?
this is time consuming…


so if you’ve downloaded the tracks , please play them djay, (with or without internet)
and play them locally. (don’t re-download)

if you haven’t downloaded them, of course download them (if you have internet)

that’s it !!!

THANK YOU SPOTIFY, Warren and company !!!

we can now finally have access to our offline playlists.

new update, just released.

Warren, will it download songs still even those you’ve already downloaded in Spotify? if so, this is problematic when the wifi is spotty :slight_smile:

Wow, i am so happy now !!!

my bad, i confused djay/spotify apps

Spotify has been updated to allow you to search for your downloaded music when you’re offline… i got all excited for nothing

so sorry, i got the 2 mixed up…

maybe this is what djay requires so that it can “see” and play these offline playlists?
or maybe it’s iOS 8 we need…

can someone please update their spotify on ipad
then open up djay (offline) and try to goto “Spotify” playlists…

i’m praying maybe Spotify’s update will let djay open Spotify playlists ??
i will try when i get home :slight_smile:

thanks Jeremy,

i also wish djay did not re-download all “offline” songs while online every time you load them


yes, i am hoping iOS 8 is the answer

i guess we must wait and hope offline spotify integration becomes a reality