Quantize of Hot cues not working well.

I reinstalled the app and confirm it still happens. 1 in every 10 times maybe

Thanks for checking and confirming @Nubium. I’ll share this with engineering.

And actually just now it jumped like the quantize setting were set to 4 beats, I was a bit late in hitting the hot cue and it waited 4 beats before jumping to the new hot cue

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In this video I hit the pad probably a little bit late and it should stay in phrase, but look what happens.

I confirm this behavior still happens when I just have the iPad with no controller connected

Thanks for the additional info @Nubium

Hi @Nubium, this should be fixed in 5.2.8. Can you please update and confirm? Thanks!

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Yes, I’ll be testing that tonight. I have a five hour gig ahead of me.

Excellent! Please report back on how it goes @Nubium

Hi @Nubium, just checking in to see how your testing and gig went. Thanks!

Last week I did five days of five hour gigs. And a couple of times it would happen where I would press the hot cue Pad and it would not jump to the next hot cue queue Until the following four beats.

But one thing I notice more is after about three hours when I’m attempting to just start a new track with sync on it kind of stutters every now and again.

Okay. Thanks for the additional info @Nubium

Happened last night as well.

So I finally got it on video. My intention was the loop on the left track plays around four times then on the right track I press the hot cue pad And it should’ve jumped to the start of the track instantly but instead the loop on the right track played one whole time through again then jumped. Rather frustrating and low as the energy on the dance floor.

Thanks for the video @Nubium, this is very helpful. Sorry to hear you’re still experiencing this issue. I will share this with the dev team to see if it helps in finding a resolution to your issue. Thanks again!