I recently went through my collection of offline music and removed some duplicates, but I am having an issue where even after refreshing the library, the old duplicates either stay in the collection, or in some cases, exist only as a single, incorrectly linked file. I have tried running both the “Refresh library” and “Relink missing files” command to no avail.
In the past when I encountered this, I just removed everything from my collection and reimported, but now that I have a lot more songs, having to do that every time I delete a song from my offline folder seems tedious and not the right work flow.
For example, I had two copies of “Chameleon” in my library previously, but even after deleting and refreshing the library, one stays as a dead link.
I see what you mean, and this sounds like an issue with how DJay manages offline files.
Maybe a built-in duplicate detection feature would be a good addition for DJay to implement—something that identifies and removes duplicate tracks automatically or at least flags them for review.
This also could add up with a request I made for a ‘Not in Playlists’ view, which would help identify tracks that aren’t assigned to any playlist to identify tracks that might still need to be assigned to one of your playlists or deleted from the database.
Both improvements could complement each other in making library management more efficient don’t you think?
This is a bug I’ve been dealing with since forever. I sometimes download the same tracks I had long before and forgotten about it, and when I load the song up to put my hot cues, etc. - the system shows, that the work is already done, they just load up automatically - this is an indicator, that the same track was already present in the library. So the correct way is to work with the file directly through the folder structure. Don’t add that to your collection. If you do, then if you delete this track - the link to the both files will be broken. If you want to delete dublicates - this is the workflow I am using since I am aware about this bug: go to the music tab, where you can see ALL the files in your collection. there if you see dublicate tracks - click on each of them and show in finder. If the link is to the diffenet file - delete the file you don’t need from the finder, then from collectione. If both tracks link to the same file - just delete the dublicate from the collection list. This bug has been around at least from 5.0 where I started using djay. Not sure why this still happens though. Maybe it was not described properly before. But it really is frustrating to say the least. There is a link bug, when you delete the file you just added to collection from smart playlist or othewise, the link of the old file is being somehow changed automatically to the latest one, and if you delete it - this is the erroe message you will get. Sadly. Hope they fix this someday.
Hi @shmimel, those Chameleon tracks in your screenshot above appear to be different as the Artist names are not identical. djay only considers a track to be a duplicate if the title/artist/duration match exactly. Are you able to manually delete one of the Chameleon tracks?
Our engineering team is asking if can you please try to capture a short video demonstrating the issue, how to reproduce it and showing exactly what is not working. Then please upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here. Thanks!