Reloop Mixon 8 Performance Pads Sticking

Thanks but nope.
I know that latest version of Firmware is v5039 according to reloop website but I dont know how to check which firmware version is installed on my machine.
Any clue how to check this?

In that case, I would just install the latest version available anyway and not worry about what version is already on it. In my case I had to install it twice anyway to clear up the issues I was having with mine.

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Ok thanks for the tip.
I have issues as well with one of the pad (like DJ_Big_Blender) and already sent an email to reloop (awaiting their answer). I will anyhow try to update the firmware and see if something happens
Thx a bunch

You’re welcome @Djay_Fleg, hope that helps.

I had a similar issue with pad 1 and 5 on deck 1. I have latest update with 5.0 and Mixon 8 firmware. I also tested serato and djay pro for Mac and also 1 and 5 were sticking. I was about to send back but it’s somehow stopped doing it. No idea how or why. I now have @Slak_Jaw ios mapping for Mixon 8 with my own edit to suit me and it’s perfect.



Updated the firmware…did not change anything…BUT…because there is always but…I played a bit with the pad and notice it was responding when pressing on a corner…playing/pressing/moving…and then it worked with no problems…
It seems that the pad was kind of “glued” and by pressing on the different corners/angles…it sent it back to what supposed to do…I thought I was going to send back the unit…but now it seems to be ok…
In case it can be of help to any who encounter same issues (@ DJ-Big_Blender, may be you want to give a try?)


You might be on to something there. I remember pressing the pads and it seemed to ‘free’ them up. Bit weird but it worked.

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Good to know. Thanks for sharing @Djay_Fleg

(Re)Installing the firmware didn’t do anything for my Pad issues.
I now will try the hint of @Djay_Fleg to see if this helps.

Otherwise I will go back to the supplier to switch the gear.

YOu can check this by push and hold the button ‘View’ under the rotary knob before you push the power button.

Than the version # appears on screen.

It did help sometimes, but I didn’t “free up” the button. In 50% of the time it is still unreliable, so I decide to replace the unit via supplier.

Did you try several times?
For me it did not go straight away immediately but now i can say that they work fine…
In facts more you use them better it is, and better they respond…
But maybe in your case it is different…

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Yes. Did try that for quite a while.

And be aware that I have 3 pads not working properly.

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Update I have now tested this on my Mac and using Serato dj. The problem must be with the controller as it also happens in Serato dj.


I have a brand new Mixon 8 and Brand new iPad Pro. I have made a video of this problem. The hot cues are set to momentary so when I press them and let go, the tractors not play however, the performance pad when I press it it plays the track and continues when I let go and when that happens, the play button doesn’t work every time, this happened when I first connected my Mac to my controller, and then it seemed to clear itself up. I will upload a video to YouTube and put the link here. Thanks

I also had problems with the functioning of the buttons (hot cue 1&5 in particular) on my new Mixon 8. I had to return the brands new controller to the nearest dealer and it is currently being repaired.

Oh OK thanks for telling me. Luckily I can send mine back within a month and just get a brand new one.

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Hi @Nubium, unfortunately as @DJ_Big_Blender stated this is most likely a hardware issue as some other users have experienced the same thing. In some cases they have been able to fix the “button sticking” themselves with repeated presses.

  1. First Hot Cue touch Pad (Mixon 8) doesn't do anything
  2. Reloop Mixon 8 Performance Pads Sticking

Hello everyone. I have merged these 3 topics into 1 to keep the discussion organized. Thanks!

Thanks. Mine is back from repair and all seems to work fine now.

Let’s hope it will keep working fine?!

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Thanks for the update @DJ_Big_Blender