Reset NM & FX MIDI actions

I can’t find a way for how to explicitly turn “Off” all the FX slots, or reactivate all the NM channels through MIDI. My intent is to map a single button “Reset all to Dry” using Duplicate with multiple mapping commands. I need it for live track that are loaded and playing in a deck. There is the way through Reload a track, but that’s not OK for tracks playing live.

When I map things for NM channels on/off, be it Mute or Solo, it sometime happens on a layer behind a shift, and I don’t always have visual indication what’s on and what off. Let’s say I make a “Build up” And mess the sound sometimes with many things FX/NM/EQs/Filter/etc. I want to have a quick good way to reset the running track back to “Dry” state with one button click - no FX, no NM, no Key, no Filter, no Pan, nothing, as Dry, as a freshly loaded track.

The per-deck mapping have a “Reset” section, but NM or EQ are listed there. There are only Key/Gain/EQ/etc. Can we also get “NM Reset” & “FX Reset”?

  • The “NM Reset” should simply activate all NM bands back (regardless if 2/3/4 channel NM, or Mute/Solo is used). There’s no explicit “Off” command, and the actions do “On/Off”, without an explicit Off command. There’s a “NM Filter” feature for knobs & rotaries too, so this action has to be part of the NM Reset as well.
  • The “FX Reset” simply stops the FX Units. There is “FX1/2/3 Enable” action which does the “On/Off”, but explicit “Disable” is not available, so I can “flush” it all.

An NM & FX Resets MIDI actions would be most welcome!

Further to that, many people enjoy preserving NM and other per-deck settings when loading song (through the global setting). Ability to on-demand “reset” all needed values will be useful for this use case too.

Thanks for the suggestion! Good idea. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.

Hi again @Kaloyan, in the meantime, you can get the functionality with duplicates by doing this:

  • Duplicate the same control eight times and map to all Solo and Mute buttons
  • Show advanced controls at the bottom
  • Change the control from “default” to Off for all items

This will reset mute and solo actions, but not NM EQs or NM filter.

Oh, setting “Off” explicitly is available. Great approach, haven’t thought of it before. Very useful and applicable to many, many things!

Great thanks, @Slak_Jaw!

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You’re welcome @Kaloyan. Happy to help!

Funny, Off is not available on the iPad mapping UI, only on Mac OS. I recently did lots of MC7000 mapping enhancements on the iPad and the option is just not there. It didn’t occur to me that it might be different on MacOS :slight_smile:

Cool that we have this Off option for NM & FX. It really helps to put the Deck back into “Dry” mode with a press of button.

For the record “Rest Pan” is also not available, while applicable, like the NM EQ and the NM Filter are.

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