save a loop

Is there any news on saved loops Lukas? To be able to have a series of saved loops at hand would propel this software on par with the likes of traktor and serato. Is it something that the developers have considered? Can it even be achieved with no glitches? I hope so as a pro software it’s a must have feature that could see traktor and serato users jumping ship over to Djay.

Any news on this one Lukas? Saved loops needs to happen

Any news on Saved Loops Lukas. I use loops you see and I’m sure other people do. Other competitors have it DJ player professional and Traktor DJ. Surly can’t be that hard to implement. Iv tried DJPP and it works so well.

Not cool at all. With the other issues such as shortened loops and sync as well as not been able to save a simple loop iv put djay pro down and am using other software that does what I need.

When they figure out how to save loops that will be a start

Well they can already as on the beatpad there is already auto loop, and it’s just a case of assigning loops to cues. Simples

I’ll be very surprised if it’s implemented this year

I agree Kalo it is a must feature if djay pro wants to be considered a serious contender in the pro dj software arena. Or perhaps they are happy where they are.

Yeah check out the grid, so so good. I play old skool house which has funk, break beat and hip hop elements, so the flexible grid means 99 out of 100 it’s spot on. Play acapellas no problem too. It’s why I moved away from another platform because of fixed grid.

Yes they work with beatpad 2. Need to USB to iTunes on a pc or mac then add the mapping.

So much interest for saved loops but very little reply from algoriddam

Let’s hope so. It’s on thier agenda but then again its a 3 year plus thread for saved loops so I’ll be very surprised if it’s implemented this year.

Yep I hear you mate. There is another software company who may meet your needs. Step over to dj tech tools and you will see a good mapping for the Mixon 4 by dj Hombre

I appreciate you getting back to this topic but to say adding loops to cues needs thinking on how fit the implementation is rather lame. As a dj pro software with 4 decks saved loops needs prioritising. If algoriddam can’t think how to fit that in then I’m afraid your really not given us consumers a lot of confidence.

They generally don’t discuss future updates Kalo. Although feedback from the developer would be useful. What’s your thoughts Lukas?

Works with Deezer.

Yeah with the other software it’s a one man show which makes it easier to communicate. Not so with algoriddam. Saved loops will happen it’s just a question of when. It’s just frustrating as it’s a pretty basic but key function especially with djay pro as it has 4 decks.

I think we’re edging closer to saved loops but in all honesty why it’s not been implemented sooner is anyone’s guess

Good question Kalo. Have you spoken with Lukas? If he would listen you could help them for sure

What do you say Lukas?