save a loop

How has this still not been implemented? It’s the only thing keeping me from using Djay Pro over Traktor when I play gigs. Saved loops are a MUST for any pro DJ software.

Hotcue loops would be a killer feature that would get me to switch from Traktor. Otherwise it’s a nonstarter. Please implement this. Thank you!

I’m also voting for this. Saved loops would be a huge feature

Please allow us the ability to save loops

Great App, but no Loop Saving? Really?

Still waiting!!!

Please add this! Time is up.

Saved Loops has been already implemented on the new subscribed djay for ios.

Ooh saving loops PLEASE

Hey it’s in Djay Pro 2! I did not know.

Have you found a way to tighten the sync up when triggering a saved loop? I find that sometimes it’s on beat and sometimes it’s about 1/16th of a beat off. It’s nice that saved loops are finally a thing, but I can’t use them in a real set with this shoddy implementation.