Setting Start CUE and Cue 1 on Initial Track Analysis

Hi there,

Thanks for the 5.2 update. I have seen already a few things that are very helpful for me, like e.g. the setting to restore of the original BPM when deselecting Sync and the fix of the EQ/NM Settings.

Also I read about the improvement" “CUE Button: Start Cue can now be set directly after loading a track without playing it”.

This new suggestion is a direct follow up on that point:

For my use (and hopefully for others as well), it would be a great advantage if DJay would automatically set a Start CUE and Cue 1 when a track is analyzed for the first time. (This can be implemented as an option).


  • Start CUE: Automatically place at the beginning of the track (where the sound starts).
  • Cue 1: Automatically place at the first downbeat of the track. (Even better, it would be if the user could customize what to place where during the auto-analysis of the track, of course.)


  • Efficiency: Saves time for the DJ by automatically setting the main cue points.
  • Consistency: Ensures consistency in the use of the track, as the cue points are always set in the same manner. New tracks always start right at the beginning when played for the first time without having to set the cue manually.
  • Streaming Services: Especially when using music from streaming services like Apple Music, this is an extra benefit as these tracks don’t automatically start at the beginning.

Of course, these cues can be changed by the user afterwards, but having these right from the beginning will already help a lot and approximately 90% of them will already be correct.

I hope this proposal can be considered for a future update of the DJay software.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to a positive response. Keep on the good work (and hopefully the pace of implementing improvements and fixes :grinning:!!

Hope that users that like this as well will Vote for it in the upper left ‘Vote Box’!

I hope the Algoriddim team can take a second look at how Traktor has designed this elegant solution and soon give this important issue in DJay Pro a second thought.

  • Device model MacBook Pro 2019
  • Version of operating system Mac OS, Sanoma 14.4.1.
  • Version of djay: 5.2.0
  • Hardware/controllers used: Reloop Mixon 8 Pro

You’re welcome @DJ_Big_Blender. Thanks for the positive feedback.

Thanks also for the suggestion! Good idea. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!


Could it go further.

  1. Start of track
    2 first beat
    3 first vocal
    4 last vocal

2.5 bar where first vocal hits

Its analysing the track so i would hope that this is possible.

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Thanks for the additional feedback @David_Bielby. I’ve shared this with the devs.

Yeah. New user here (VD, Traktor, Rekrodbox). I was surprised to see that after analyzing a new track, cue point is not set on first sound. Instead, at the beginning of each track. So I have to every time move wave just by 1 mm usually (as all producers leave quiet sound at the beginning of the track to prevent CLICK sound, common practice in audio world) to set cue at first beat. It seemed stupid for me to have to move play head 1 mm (typically) every time with new track. It should be automatic. Furthermore, it is automatic in other DJ software as far as I remember. There should be an option for this in Cue settings: Automatically set CUE at the beginning of track.
Strong vote from me.


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Coming from an old set of CDJ-800’s ( yes I am that old ) lol, I have always liked the fact that these puppies would automagically select the first sound as their starting CUE point. Meaning anything above a certain dB leven ( I believe it’s around -20 dB ? ).

Over the last few weeks I have seen Djay trying to do the same but sometimes failing miserably as it is highly focussed on beats. So a track that does not start with a beat get’s a weird starting CUE. Needs to adjust manually each time before being able to play.

ALso I noticed that somehow you have to " trigger " the CUE first before you can use it.
This means - in my experience - that you have to push the CUE button twice to get Djay to play the file from hat first CUE position. As if you need to " LOAD " the song first, but isn’t that the whole idea of setting a starting cue, to “load” the song?

I really cannot understand this double clicking need to " arm " the cue.



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Hey @DjPete,

Thanks for sharing your insights about this.

I want to say two things:

  1. As far as I know, Djay currently doesn’t have any Auto Cue detection. So I’m curious—what exactly do you see as an auto-cue detect? (Could it be a previously detected and placed CUE point from software like Mixed in Key or RB?

  2. Yes, I’ve also noticed that you have to ‘activate’ it first. I usually do that by immediately setting one of the 8 hot cues (and then the First Cue).

But honestly, most of all I’m flabbergasted that Algoriddim still hasn’t built such a simple yet essential feature as First Cue Detect into Djay. Users have been requesting this for years—not just in this post, but in many others on this forum.

#Shout Out to @algoriddim_algoriddi : Are we going to be talking about this for years before it finally gets implemented? To me, this is just basic functionality that has been present in most other DJ software for years.

Pete; what do you think?

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender ,

To answer your questions :

  1. I am using Mixed In Key to tag my songs, both with the proper BPM as well as Camelot Key and it automagically creates various cue’s , first downbeat, vocals, etc and also places these cue’s at intensity changes ( energy level changes ) in the songs. Great software tool.

  2. I agree that using the first ( hot) Cue would ( should ) be the solution but I have seen various songs where the cue was a mismatch. This could be due to MIK getting it wrong. It does happen. But yeah, you apparently need to " Arm " your song before you can play it. Noticeable in my display by the fat that you get a white Upside Down triangle in the view that notes the starting point.

I would vouch for Djay to do what the old CDJ’s did, just find the first point where the audio begins and set that as the starting point of the song.

This does sometimes wreak havoc with the beat detection system that tries to place the song within the beat-grid and I guess that’s where the reason stems from for it to miss out on some songs . If the songs start with a beat, 99 % are all right, just those that begin without a beat, with vocals or a padfx will not work well.

So yeah, Djay works great, needs some fine tuning here and there but perhaps we’re all merely over-stressing their improbability-meter. lol