Some Apple Music songs not loading

From Tokyo. Thank you, Slack_Jaw and your team, for the hard work!
It’s back now. Arigato!

I wonder if “downloaded” streaming songs might be recognized as LOCAL MUSIC in the future. As you can play them offline, even without WiFi, on iTunes.

I understand now, downloaded songs do not count as local music and that they need to be truly “streaming”…
Perhaps Apple needs to count djay-played songs in real time, so they can ensure musicians receive their proper shares?

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Hi Slak Jaw, thanks as always, at the end of the video it shows the version and I mention it, it’s the latest version for the app, installed Friday

The only error message is as per the video when I drag the track to be played it just says, where the track description is ‘could nit load track’ which is also in the video

When you say check the music app, what do you mean by that? I’m head scratching here and was on the phone to Apple yesterday for 3 hours on this, and pretty much got nowhere

What’s confusing me is the music files are on my PC, I can manually go into windows explorer and see the tracks in the Apple Music folder on my PC
when I use the folder icon on DJ pro, underneath the iTunes logo, can go to the same folder and the track doesn’t appear in DJ Pro, folder is there but shows as empty, so if the app isn’t seeing the track then naturally it won’t load I’m guessing

Any idea what could be causing this? Is it downloading in a different format? Not being readable by other apps etc? Never experienced this before. The option in iTunes to share files etc is ticked
It works fine when I download a playlist for example via iOS on my iPad so the principal should be the same on Windows right?


Hi @Cuzer, your video is not very clear and it is difficult to see both of those things on a small screen. Hence why I requested the screenshots. Thanks!

All working for me now. Thanks so much @Slak_Jaw & team!

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Apologies Slak Jaw, do you have everything you need now? I’ve also added a lot more detail and opened a new topic on the thread above this one from the bug report forum

There is another video link I’ve uploaded there which will hopefully be a bit clearer

Unfortunately I’m still having the issue


Okay @Cuzer, let’s stop the discussion in this thread and continue it in your new one.

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I got it the next day. Thank you so much. I am glad your team got this issue resolved in such a reasonable timespan. I imagine it can be difficult depending upon correspondence from a company as large as Apple when an issue arises.

Thanks for the follow up and positive feedback @c20c20

Thanks you all at Djay for fixing this in a week. This integration with Apple Music is fantastic.

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You’re welcome @mark_beaton. Thanks for the feedback.