Add SoundSwitch Support

Hello, I also asked about this some time ago. I have exactly the same constellation. I need video, automix and sound switch. Therefore, I have currently switched to Virtual DJ even though I have an active DJAY license. DJAY Pro is a great software but some things are just not quite so far.

When the sound switch interface comes, I am 100% DJAY Pro user again.

Hallo, ich habe vor einiger Zeit auch diesbezüglich schon angefragt. Ich habe genau die gleiche Konstellation. Ich brauche Video, Automix und Soundswitch. Daher bin ich momentan auf Virtual DJ umgestiegen obwohl ich eine aktive DJAY Lizenz habe. DJAY Pro ist eine Hammer Software aber manche Dinge sind einfach nicht ganz so weit.
Wenn die Soundswitch Schnittstelle kommt, bin ich zu 100% wieder DJAY Pro Benutzer.


Hi @Joel_Leggett and @C.Dienewald,

I’ve moved your posts to this already existing topic thread to keep things tidy on our Community. Please read through the thread, and let us know if you have any questions! I’ll also push the topic again internally and we’ll keep this thread updated with any news.

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Yes please, a big plus one for this integration.

Any news on this guys from Algoriddim?

Pm if you want :

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yes, are there any integration plans for soundswitch?

Just commenting to say I would switch to DJay 100% if they supported SoundSwitch. The current method with ableton link is just good. DJay is my favorite DJ software, but as a mobile DJ, my lighting is also very important so I am sticking with Serato. Even with the new updates today, which are great, I can’t use DJay in any professional capacity without SoundSwitch.

I’m hoping there’s a solution soon, the SoundSwitch team is one of the most responsive and adaptable development teams out there. if the DJay team needs to start the conversation. As SoundSwitch continues to rapidly grow its user base, adding real SoundSwitch support would be HUGE, and an obvious next step to push DJay forward, especially for me and other mobile DJays.

Thanks Algoriddim for the excellent work! I hope to see some news or development about the SS support in the near future.



Are there any plans to work with SoundSwitch to get DJAY support?

Are there any plans to add lighting control in DJAY directly?


Hi @djquartz,

While we cannot speak on new additions to djay - our dev team is aware that this is a feature suggestion our users would love to see implemented.

I will be merging this post into an already existing post titled “Soundswitch and Djay - Is it possible???

Have a great day!


When the vinyl is available I was going to try the Ableton Link protocol to see if it works.

SO with DJay and my Ipad Pro I guess the only way to control lighting is just to use the “auto sound” settings on my lights themselves? What other options are out there?

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Where is soundswitch integration ?? Please don’t let virtual DJ sh*t on you guys like this! Have more self respect please!! I love djay pro but please!!! We need you.

Like seriously, have you guys seen what sound switch can do with just a handful of up lights and a gig bar? It’s just magic. It’s the difference between being at a dance party and having the best night of your life.

And it’s not enough to know the difference, have you tested this feature yourself? Have you felt it?

Me and my DJ collective are planning on making a YouTube video comparing Virtual DJ sound switch integration with DJAY pro’s and then passing the video around so others can FEEL what we’re feeling. This is serious.

We want Soundswitch and we NEED it now.

With love,



Literally using virtual DJ now cuz Soundswitch is really rocking my socks. But djay pro is 10,000 times a better software. I want the best of both worlds: djay pro with Soundswitch integration would be the best thing ever

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there’s an ableton integration (Ableton Link) for syncing…anything, not just lights.
There’s a good ableton page with enabled apps…standby…

dig in and you’ll find soundswitch on that list…
algoriddim has your back, and you didn’t even know it.


Hi @kenygrey,

Thanks for the suggestion!

As @heysoundude mentioned, Using Ableton LINK is a great way to sync hardware and software together.

I will be merging this thread with an existing thread on SoundSwitch integration found here.

So I’m looking at trying SoundSwitch, and I see they do their software authorizations with iLok - are there plans for dJay to follow suit? (idk how this works with mobile devices…I suppose there would have to be a dock with a USB port)

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Add new feature able control DJ light with djay software


This would be a great add!


Folks - look into the Ableton Link integration in djay.
You’ll need SoundSwitch or a similar app, and a USB-dmx dongle (and the lights, of course), but the functionality is there

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Hi @Cooljackdj,

Thank you for your suggestion!

As @heysoundude mentioned, Ableton Link supports the function of being able to integrate lighting control in concurrence with djay.

There is a thread related to this suggestion which I will link below:

We are going to be merging the two threads to better manage this suggestion.

Thank you and have a great day!

Hi all.

After trying for hours on end to get Soundswitch working I couldn’t do it I’m afraid. soundswitch talks to Ableton Link just fine, however the Djay software doesn’t respond to Ableton commands. I spoke to Soundswitch and they batted me back to Algoriddim but it seems like a chicken and egg situation. These are both the tech platforms with the capability of making this happen and surely it would benefit both companies?? I.e more subscribers!
Isn’t it about time you spoke to one an other?
