The star ratings in the rating are no longer displayed 5.1.5 macOS

Good morning to all of you.

After updating to version 5.1.5, rating stars are no longer displayed in the rating.

What may have happened ?

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)

macOS Monterey 12.7.4

djay Pro for Mac 5.1.5

No hardware connected.

Music library stored entirely in the MacBook’s internal SSD.

Try updating to the latest version 5.1.6

Thanks for your interest. Version 5.1.5 is the latest version for macOS. 5.1.6 is an iOS-only update

there is no 5.1.6 in the App Store for Mac (19 April 2024)
only iOS & iPadOs = 5.1.6

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Hi @Sergio1, can you please also share a screenshot of this same playlist, Preferite, from within the Music App on your Mac? We’d like to confirm if the missing star ratings are isolated to djay or if it is system wide. Thanks!

Hi Slak_Jaw. Thanks for your interest. I am sending you screenshots of Djay and Music from the same playlist. As you can see, the rating stars are not displayed in Djay.

I’m used to seeing software updates retaining the same versions across platforms, even if there are no changes on one platform vs another, just to keep things consistent.

It gets confusing having to check platform then version for each separately. :worried:

Thanks for the screenshots @Sergio1. I’ve sent these to the engineering team for further review.

same behaviour on my setup. Star rating is available in Music and is being not displayed in djay pro.
Thats severe when selecting from different versions of one song. Workaround for me is to add a star rating text to the comment field.

macOS: 14.4.1 (23E224)
djay: 5.1.5

I don’t know if this also related but I have noticed now that the rating column does not show any stars anymore and filtering by e.g more than one star does not show any songs :frowning:

Yes, we are aware of this issue @Masry_Masrawy. I have moved your comment to the related topic. Thanks!

It’is something that we use usually to search the track by rating. Hope you can fix this problem as soon as you can, because I absolutely need this function.
Is that a way to get the previous version while you fix this bug.

Thank you!

Hi @joel_Koenig, the team is working hard on a fix. The only way to rollback to a previous djay version is via a full system backup recovery like Time Machine.

Thank you for your quick answer.
Ok i will see my time machine, but I am afraid that I didn’t make a back up last 3 month.

So I will be patiente, and hope that it doesn’t take too long.

Thank you for doing everything possible to solve this problem. I use this software professionally every weekend, and I’d love to have everything back to the way it was.


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You’re welcome @joel_Koenig

Hello everyone! This has been addressed with the 5.1.7 djay release. Thanks!

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