Tidal 'Hi-Fi' - only first 6 beats appear in the waveform!

Done but this approach does not fill me full of confidence, I must say Emily.
Haven’t your dev team managed to recreate the issue themselves yet?

Same as DJPaulMack, and already infirmed that the issue happens in multiple platforms and devices. I tried on more than one MacOs computer, on iPad and even my iPhone, so I don’t see how the dev team still would need more info on which system / device / version is occurring. It occurs in multiple Apple systems, all running the latest versions.

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Thanks for your feedback about this. I understand your frustration, but please know that our team is looking into the issue and we’ll keep you updated about it here.

We have not yet been able to reproduce the issue, which makes it more difficult to find a quick solution. This is why we’ve asked for your assistance in troubleshooting and to contact us via email so we can collect some additional logs and other information that may help to find a solution quicker. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Thanks Emily. @afsaba - one of the dev team has reached out to me directly this afternoon and I have provided some logging from the console application on my Mac. Hopefully there is enough data for them to isolate and fix the problem. I will keep you posted (if Emily hasn’t already done so). Thanks :smiley:

Thank you. Nobody reached out to me yet, so I will wait for a solution.

Same issue for me, too.

Latest update appears to have fixed this problem. Thanks guys.

Really @Mic_Mac ? I am on version 3.1.2 and still have the same issue with TIDAL in hifi mode. Nothing has been fixed yet that I can see.
What version are you running and are you certain that the issue is resolved?

The same – 3.1.2. It was the update with CDJ3000 support. I switched back to Tidal Hi-fi and logged in again. Problem solved. The entire waveform loaded almost instantaneously, faster than before.

My bad, DJPaulMack. I just tried a mix, and as soon as I hit play the waveform disappears again.


As an experiment, try loading any song from the ‘About Disco’ compilation, they all seem to work fine on my system.

I still get the same issue - even using the About Disco tracks.
When the problem first started for me about 50% of my tracks loaded ok and the rest failed. Then pretty quickly they all fell foul of this bug.
It is soooooo annoying!
Fingers crossed for a fix very soon :crossed_fingers:

I just realised that only the first few seconds play in ‘preview mode’ too. So you don’t even have to load the track in a deck to reproduce the issue.

Same happened with me. In the beginning it was just a few songs, then the entire library

My HiFi does the same thing. Any word on the fix?

Last time we heard from the staff was 16 days ago…

@afsaba - they have a beta version to test now that hopefully fixes this issue.
I will keep you posted with any news asap.

Yes, as @DJPaulMack shared, we are currently working on a fix for this issue. Rest assured we’ll keep you posted here when we have an update. Thank you again for your continued patience.

The newest update still doesn’t fix the hifi problem. It’s been almost a month and still not fixed. Serato has no issue with there tidal hifi so it looks like they may be the way to go if y’all are not fixing the issue. You keep saying we’re working on it and if I’m paying a subscription then everything should work properly. What’s the deal?

I just tested the beta version for IOS and the issue is gone. Hope to see the MacOS version soon.

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Good news - some progress! :+1: