Tidal Offline Is It Possible

Is there no way to play downloaded content from Tidal in DJ unless there is a WiFi connection?

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no but that’d be great :wink:
for now only Beatport can be offline with the beatport locker paid option …

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I’m about to use DJAI on an iPad Pro exclusively for the first time and I’m naturally nervous and want to be fully prepared. I put my iPad in airplane mode and turned off wi-fi to see what would happen and I was bummed to see that without wi-fi, I can’t access the Tidal tracks that I have downloaded to my iPad. Has there been any discussion about this at all with regards to a workaround?

This was an issue back in the Spotify days, where djay was unable to access its offline content. However, I’m sure the issue back then was that Apple’s Terms of Service was the blocker for this, so it forbid one app accessing the data of another, hence it didn’t matter if technically possible, djay was not allowed to access the locally stored (offline) Spotify tracks due to this ToS. I don’t know if this is still the case for all apps or not.

Hey @milestonesdj, Welcome to the Community Forums and thanks for your question about using TIDAL tracks offline in djay. I’ve moved your question over to this already existing thread to keep things tidy. :slightly_smiling_face:

As has been pointed out by some of the other users here, it’s technically not possible to use streaming services in djay without an active internet connection. The reason is that due to “sandboxing”, a security feature, apps have absolutely no access to each other’s workspace. This means that djay has no access to the songs you download in other streaming service apps. These songs are only available for the streaming service app itself. For this reason, in order to use the streaming integrations in djay, an ongoing connection to the internet is necessary.

However, I can confirm that our integration with Beatsource LINK and Beatport LINK does allow for some offline access. Please note these integrations are only available currently in the latest versions of djay Pro AI on iOS and Mac. To access up to 100 tracks from offline storage, a Beatsource/Beatport LINK Pro or Beatsource/Beatport LINK Pro+ subscription is required. You can find more information about this on our website:


I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. :headphones:

It’s possible, you just have to preload à larger amount of track (even a complete playlist) in memory so legaly you’r not recording it and it will deasaper when your application will be closed

Kind regards

It is possible. Although Tidal does not support you downloading music as local files, you can use a third-party tool to achieve it. I use AudBite Tidal Music Converter to download my Tidal music. It’s pretty good. After you download the music, you can move it to other devices or platforms for offline playback.

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I wonder how well Audbite is sound quality wise. I used another converter for youtube and they were the 320 kbps but quality was never evenly sounding as it was directly with Tidal playing it.

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Wouldn’t something like this work? (sure, you have to pay for the service, but if you want/need your tracks on a machine that won’t be internet-connected…)

Save things as FLAC (the native format) on the computer, and then use XLD to convert as necessary?

I’ve never used tidabie, but XLD is pretty great in my experience…

It’s late and been a long day, so maybe somebody with more brainpower than me can find a workaround using their knowledge or the resources at FLAC - Links

Good luck, and let us know what you come up with please

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Are there any plans to utilise the Tidal offline locker? At the moment I’m considering swapping from Tidal to Apple Music as … I’m interested in stems but not for £9. However, I’d be way more open to sticking with tidal IF offline locker was likely to be a thing at some point …

Hello, Virtual DJ has an offline solution with TIDAL. You should Work on this. It’s really important for mobile DJs.

Vote for this feature over here: