Tidal offline locker

With other software getting offline locker storage with Tidal, do we know if it is coming to DJay. This would be a huge improvement to my prep time as a Wedding DJ.
Current workflow goes like this…
Client submits Spotify playlists
I use Tune my music to convert to Tidal (for online access)
I then go through my (260k+) owned tracks on my Mac to see if I have them, and upload them using Apple Music to my iPad.
I purchase any missing tracks from Apple Music. to make sure I have a hard copy of all requested songs.
I then make playlists on DJay of their music for Ceremony Prelude, Ceremony, Cocktails/Dinner, Dancing, Special Dances…

New workflow would be…
Client submits their music selections via Spotify
I use Tune my music to convert playlists into Tidal
I open DJay app, select the playlist, and hit download…

All ready for the Wedding on top of a mountain nowheresville PA with no wifi and no cell service


Thanks for the suggestion @Stevie_Ray! I too would like to see this feature added to Tidal as it’s one of my favorite features of Beatport LINK Professional. If you and other users could Vote for this using the button at the top right, that will help to gauge user demand. I’ve already cast my vote :grinning:



I’m in the same situation. I would love to see this feature in djay pro. This would make my life so much easier. This would also make me more inclined to use djay more frequently. Right now it’s my back up solution and what I use for short gigs. I really want to make the switch to using djay as my primary DJing platform.


I would of course also welcome the ability to store and use music from Tidal offline. But I don’t think that’s Algoriddim’s decision alone, but also depends on the support of the streaming provider. And there would have to be appropriate agreements with the labels. And when I consider that Tidal has asked to disable even Neural Mix for streamed tracks, I don’t think an offline locker is coming anytime soon.


@Chris_R I know that. My point is they disabled Stems on ALL software, but they gave an offline locker to other software, and increased the price of my subscription to $20/month for their “DJ tier”. Since I am paying for that feature now on Tidal, It would be nice if that feature was brought to my preferred software. Tidal has already implemented it on their end. So I am guessing it will be an agreement thing. Unfortunately if the offline locker is exclusive to VDJ, then I may unfortunately may give up my iPad and go back to a full laptop. But DJing on the iPad is 100% more fun for me.


Oh, sorry, I didn’t know that Tidal now provides offline functionality with VDJ. But even then, the decision is certainly not up to the DJ software provider alone.
I also wish that in DJay Pro AI, but will not change the software just because of that. The advantages of working with the iPad simply outweigh. I, for one, don’t want to go back to DJing with a laptop.


I completely understand, and I agree about the benefits. I just put this out there to get this on Algoriddims radar as it is a feature I think that would have a huge positive impact for users.

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This would be great for both DJAY and Engine!


this would be AMAZING, definitely think this should be doable. Thanks for suggesting and trying to get the ball rolling!


They also need to make Djay edits if they’re gonna cater to DJs, especially clean versions.


If you really want to reach more DJs with this offer, more extended versions and club mixes are much more important. And these are often already available, but unfortunately not in the normal catalog of Tidal.



Thanks for the link, but I am sure Algoriddim will need to work with Tidal to implement the feature, they can’t do it just for me.

Tidal is currently considering it. They sent out a survey to users asking about what DJ software we use and if we would like to have offline music available. Here is the link to the survey.



This sounds promising! I just did the survey myself and they are asking some interesting questions. Thanks for sharing @LogisticalStyles

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Thanks for sharing, @LogisticalStyles.

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As some of you already knew, Tidal is exploring offline locker capabilities with Virtual DJ. So this doesn’t really add much, but I submitted a feature request and this was the response:

Hi there,

Currently, offline mode functionality is only available for VirtualDJ users as part of a beta test.

We’re exploring solutions with our DJ partners that will allow TIDAL subscribers more creative access to the TIDAL catalog.

Keep an eye on your inbox for updates!

Best Regards,
TIDAL Support

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That is off they say it is a beta feature. I don’t have early access updates turned on in my VDJ but I can download tidal tracks to an offline cache since the end of October.

Interesting, I didn’t get my survey until Jan 12th. In any case, I filled it out. Fingers crossed for a “dj tier” with stems and offline locker soon.

I’d happily give them money for a DJ tier if it had offline locker + stems. Fingers crossed.