Tidal updated Terms of Service & Price Increase

Yes. Serato do it.
Search tidal within Serato, drag to existing playlist. Create a new playlist…


Yes, so both Serato and VDJ supports it — Djay can too.

Make a feature request (if one doesn’t exist already), so people can vote for it.

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You can already edit tidal playlists from the djay interface but it is super buggy and I’ve had to stop using it as it’s has screwed the order of some of them requiring me to spend hours fixing them.

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I have the same issue awaiting a response from tidal. Would pay the extra £9 for one of the family users to be able to have the DJ extension.

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Does that also mean we will get the ability back to mix Tidal with other streaming subscriptions like Beatport back in djay’s playlists? Right now I can’t edit existing playlists or create new ones with mixed streams. That sucks because I use them to categorize my tracks. Without it I’m ditching Tidal.

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Tidal confirmed to me that I’ll need 2 separate plans going forward - they can’t add the DJ extension to a profile on a family plan. The only reason the rest of the family were using Tidal was because of me. We put it to a vote, and they all decided they’d rather move onto Apple Music which is the same price, plus it gives me a back-up emergency streaming service for DJing in case there is a Tidal outage. The thing that swung it is the absurd amount of storage taken up by the iOS version of Tidal even when you don’t download any content locally.

I had a little play with DJay using Apple Music over the weekend and I was a bit underwhelmed to be honest - the UX is still a bit basic compared to Tidal - I guess that’s because the integration is still pretty new. I will stick with Tidal for Djaying for a while but if the DJay / Apple Music integration was to include ability to modify Apple Music playlists directly from the DJay UX and/or ability to use locally download content from Apple Music then that might be enough to tempt me over.

So in summary my monthly cost for streaming services for myself + DJay integration + rest of family just went up by £7 a month but I now have 2 different streaming services to choose that are compatible with DJay……

I will leave tidal. Maybe apple music, but definitely time to buy tracks. :wink:

Here and elsewhere, “buy tracks” is repeatedly emphasized. The assumption seems to be that people use streaming services because it is cheaper than buying each track explicitly. This is certainly often the case, but that’s only one side of the coin. The other is that when you use such services, you always have your music collection with you, so to speak - always, everywhere, without any preparation. And that is the decisive point for many and perhaps worth much more than what you currently have to pay for it.
I think that streaming will also be the standard in this area in the not too distant future. I myself have been storing my local library online for a long time and use it accordingly. Sure, I always have a few local titles with me, but only as a backup in case of an emergency, which has never happened yet.

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Don’t know about others but my library is about 20GB (320kbps MP3s) in size which fits on all of my devices. I’m able to handle a wide variety of requests with this size and have mainstream songs ranging from the 60s all the way up to the biggest hits of today. It’s a heavily curated collection that has served me well. I manually sync both my iPhone and my iPad with my Mac whenever I add new music. While not 100% convenient, it’s workable and I never have to dread not having internet access. I would argue that having to think about which music to include in the collection is a critical process of being a DJ and having a local collection enforces this mindset.

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I think so too. An endlessly large music collection with thousands of tracks ultimately makes no sense, most tracks won’t be played more than once or twice. Nevertheless, streaming a properly curated library is much more convenient for me than always having to worry about keeping several devices in sync. Of course, it’s also perfectly fine not to share this opinion. But I think demonizing streaming in general is the wrong approach.

Of course a DJs collection of owned tracks doesn’t need to be endlessly large…but if you’re an open format DJ catering for all ages, then you need a reasonable amount of tracks from each decade and each genre that existed over those decades, so that you can play an entire gig (let’s say four hours) of any required genre/decade.

Assuming an average of 3 minutes per track, you need 80 tracks for four hours. Multiply that number by decades, say 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s - that’s already nearly 500 tracks, but only 8 tracks for any given year.

There are typically many more hits per year than just 8, even if you only include number one hits.

In 1960 there were 95 singles in the top 10 (and that’s just in the UK). Let’s round that off to 80 for convenience. That bumps up the requirement to 5000, to cover top ten hits from 1960 to present day.

Of course, not every popular song reaches the top 10, so maybe include top 20 - total is now 10,000.

Even a curated list that doesn’t include album tracks, songs that people love which weren’t hits etc. still requires quite large numbers to be adequate. My collection’s approaching 50,000 but that does include remixes, album tracks and my own favourites.


I don’t think anyone is demonising streaming, at least I hope not. But let’s say Tidal, Apple and Co pulled out altogether of dj streaming. Your right streaming is the future but what if those partners pulled out just like Spotify did. It would leave djs mainly relying on streaming services vulnerable. Just my 2 cents. I have both. I have around 45,000 tracks on my iPad, iPhone and Mac but also subscribe to Apple and Beatport.

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Now I have finally received an official email from Tidal about the upcoming changes. However, I’m still not entirely sure whether and how this will affect me from April 10, 2024. This is a family account, concluded with a promotion code for a total of one year. According to the email from Tidal, the changes will take effect for the next billing period on or after April 10, 2024, which in my case wouldn’t be until November 2024. That sounds as if I and the other users will be able to continue using the account as before until then, including with the DJ feature. Or have I misunderstood? It certainly makes sense to address this question directly to Tidal Support, but perhaps someone with a similar situation has already received an answer here. :slight_smile:

Tidal have made it clear that the DJ extension can only be applied to an individual account.

Maybe they will change this if enough people complain. Who knows?

I personally think calling it an extension is misleading if it can’t be used to “extend” all account types.

That is correct. But I’ve been told that my plan will be converted to an Individual Account with DJ Extension for the next billing period and those who now use the Family Account will lose access and have to register separately. I am now wondering what will happen in the coming months until the next billing period (November). Well, I’ll just wait and see if anything changes on April 10 and whether I can still access TIDAL with DJay Pro then.

I asked the following question of Tidal. And the answer below.

We are a TV station who use Tidal very often for our live Top 40 Music playback. I should also mention we make APRA Music Returns for all the music we play.
We accept changes are being made to plans, and we will have to switch to Individual plans with DJ extension to continue using Algorridim Djay Pro as our player.
My concern is we have a family account and we run several studios and research points from that account. What will happen on April the 10th? Will all the studios not be able to music via Djay pro? Which will not be ideal for our breakfast show starting at 5am, to suddenly find we are unable to play top 40 music. What do I need to do make sure this does not happen. I can not afford to have a stand down day.

Whilst I have you.
Will DJ extension mean “Stems” will now be available on Algorridim Djay Pro. And (fingers crossed) the ability to download playlists and play music offline. The same as Android.
Although we are hard wired to the internet this would be a great back up for us to not have to rely on the internet for all our music playback.
And to edit Tidal in Djay pro would be good to. Now we can find a song on Tidal and play it all within Djay pro. But I must use tidal to add it to an existing playlist. It would be good to that all within Djay Pro.
Or are these questions for Algorridim Djay Pro.

Reply from Tidal

40x40 Ana G. (TIDAL)

Mar 22, 2024, 11:37 AM EDT


Thank you for contacting TIDAL Support.

As you may know, on April 10, 2024, TIDAL HiFi Plus Family and HiFi Family will be combined into one subscription tier called TIDAL Family at 25.99 NZD/month.

We would like to confirm with you that if the main account owner wants to access DJ integrations, they will have to subscribe to a TIDAL Individual plan + DJ Extension. Their family members will then need to select a new TIDAL Individual plan or join a different Family plan, as the DJ Extension is not available with Family plans.

Starting April 10, 2024, an add-on will be available for an additional $13.00 NZD/month, allowing access to stem separation on your DJ hardware and software (note: stem separation varies by partner).

You can modify your subscription anytime at account.tidal.com.
Currently, offline mode functionality is only available for VirtualDJ users as part of a beta test.

We’re exploring solutions with our DJ partners that will allow TIDAL subscribers more creative access to the TIDAL catalog.

Keep an eye on your inbox for updates!

Thank you,

TIDAL Support

X @TIDALSupport TIDAL FAQs support@tidal.com


I’m new… new into DJ Pro and new in Tidal. (sorry about that)
Not new in music
Why these 2? … because there are not many streaming options left into DJ Software.
And Neural got my attention…

Then i got two simple questions…

  1. Is Neural not working anymore? Got this message in the app ( Due to changes in licensing terms this feature is currently not available on this streaming platform.)
  2. I read several things, in this topic… what will be the price per month (for normal use, not expert ) to use Tidal with DJ Pro? Not that some day the same will happend what happend with Spotify and Deezer…

Thanks for your help…

Hi @boing and welcome to the DJay family :grin:

The answers are in the thread.

Thanks PKtheDJ…Nice!

You think… but then I didn’t ask these 2 questions … I see so many questions/answers on this topic and I’m lost… sorry!
So I’m hope you can give me the two answers on my 2 questions and I’m happy.

  • Will Neural Work with tidal and what will I have to do/pay? ( purchase today a free account)
  • Maybe is that also cover the second question, what will then be the Price per month and what do i get?

I read and discover already that the Neural function works for Beatport ,… it is amazing!

Click on the blue links