Traktor Kontrol S8

That would be awesome @Slak_Jaw
I’ve been in conversation with NI about a possible relaunch of the S8…
It was so far ahead of it’s time, and with the recent resurgence in Stems, it would do extremely well.

It would be a smart move for Algoriddim to produce a native mapping for the S8… Traktor users are crying out for some decent software for their hardware.
You could pretty much scoup up all their fanbase with Algoriddim support.


We would probably need to see a lot more user interest in this hardware before supporting it. Especially since it is no longer in production. Our dev team would also need to acquire a Kontrol S8 before they could create a mapping for it.


I have DDj - 1000, S8, I want to use djay with ipad to crate my own “4 channel professional standalone unit” but I can’t, you guys not allowing me, here is my list :

Ddj1000, DDj 800
Traktor s8, s4 mk3
Roland dj 707m (all Roland controllers)
Rane four
Numark ns4fx

Are you guys doing this purposely because of Mixon pro 8?

If the manufacturers don’t make controllers that are class compliant, how do you expect Algorithm to implement iPad control? Class compliant devices are essentially plug and play with iPad/iphone.

Non class compliant devices require drivers to work with Mac and windows. The only way for those devices to work with iPad is for the manufacturer to update their firmware which is very unlikely. You could try and contact those manufacturers yourself and see what they say.

It’s the same old argument when people still blame Algoriddim. not having Spotify anymore. Again reason being is that Spotify pulled out and had nothing to do with Algoriddim.

Hope that helps put into context for you. Maybe lower your tone and ask if Algorddim can help also by contacting the manufacturers. You also can do your part.


Hi @hardbea7, thanks for the feedback. As @Dysfunk_DJ has explained, we cannot support non-USB class compliant devices on iOS. This needs to be addressed by the manufacturers and the best way to make this happen is for users like yourself to contact them directly to make this change to their hardware via a firmware update. In most cases, we have already reached out to manufacturers to request this, but feedback from individual users will really help to accelerate the process.


Hi @hardbea7, also, 3 of your 5 controllers are already supported on macOS and Windows. To the best of my knowledge, none of these controllers are supported on iOS by any other DJ software.

  1. Pioneer DDJ-1000, DDJ-800: supported on macOS and Windows
  2. Traktor S8, S4 mk3: not supported
  3. Roland 707m: not supported
  4. RANE Four: supported on macOs and Windows
  5. Numark NS4FX: supported on macOS and Windows
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Hello, the Tracktor Kontrol S8 as well. With the success of the Mixtour Pro, I’d love to see Reloop come up with a Traktor Kontrol S8 type of controller.

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Hi @E_Flem, I’ve moved your comment over to the S8 discussion. You can cast your vote in support of this hardware at the top left of this page. Thanks

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A post was merged into an existing topic: NS4FX works with djay pro for IOS?

Thanks so much for sharing this map.
I’ve just moved across to djay pro after having used Traktor with dvs years ago. Had a play around with serato recently and djay pro is so much better.
I’ve been midi mapping some reloop neons to it and also an old kontrol x1 mk1 I have but suddenly realised I had an old s8 that I hadn’t used for years.
It’s fantastic with your mapping. I’ve tweaked a few bits and pieces and may use it in conjunction with the neons. Their pads are lovely to use. I’m using with a reloop flux and Allen and heath xone 92 with serato timecode vinyl for a crazy analogue, digital setup!
Did you ever get any nearer to getting the screens with any functionality or is that just not possible?
Thanks again!


I’ve just added more to it, and am mapping an F1 to handle effects , shift adds a quick flip layer to deck 3/4
And mapping 3 and 4 to match 1 and 2.
Also got the pads to light up with trraktors mapong.
I can’t do the screams and takes a layer of programming. I looked into it.
The pre-cue works on the head phones now too


Thank you @Anthony_Ramirez for all the hard work you put into this mapping.
Is it possible to get a download of your latest S8 mapping with these updates?

Hi Anthony,
I would also like to try your mappings, I do also own a Kontrol S8 and a F1.
I still keep the S8, as it’s a great piece of gear, but haven’t been using it since a year now. I have midi mapped it to DJay Pro, but haven’t been happy with the results, then tried a Mixon 8 Pro and got stuck to it.
But I would be very happy to see, what’s your approach to it.

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So I have been playing with this set up and added a D2 - and I have to say - this is the sickest system I have ever used. WAAAAY more complex to blend stems and have added the oneshot loops added with an Akai setup. Its way more than I expected. Got the cue in the headphones to work too. Had to add an outside system so I can record a set. It sounds so much leaner than any other set up I have heard .I’m recording some YouTube vids to show how it works. Been playing with this over 3 or 4 years now. Algo needs to make a set up like this. It would blow out a Pioneer set up big time. I’m stocked to post it

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Also was able to link up Ableton and Traktor Pro4 - I’ll post the set up and some video

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Thank you @Anthony_Ramirez for all the hard work you put into this mapping.
Is it possible to get a download of your latest S8 mapping with these updates?

here is thew new set up in action using pure stems from DJay AI. No Headphones on and off the cuff with a playlist I didn’t presave or have pre cue points. Just Raw. My capture card froze the image on me so I’ll do another one do you can see my screen and see what I am doing. Let me know what you think!
S8 + D2 + Akai

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That’s awesome Tony!!!
I also have an S8 and a D2

I knew you had worked out a mapping for the S8, but I thought the D2 wouldn’t work for some reason.

I would love a copy of your mappings if you wouldn’t mind.

Really chuffed you got this all working…I think I’d like another D2 now.

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I enjoyed the mix too.

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yep! I’ll upload later. I had to redo a bunch to match up to the software in terms of matching it up to how it looks on the screen. I didn’t look that far forward when I started. but you can scroll through your playlist and select. and the effects are also mapped. some of Deck 3 and 4 are done too. but it’s way too hard without having another deck like a D2. I have to map all the little things in the D2 still, but the core function is there. I’ll link up both to this thread