Traktor-style Modifiers and Conditions?

Please Algoriddim, can we get this done? :wink:


+1 for Traktor-style modifiers… would greatly enhance the possibilities with something like rellop’s neon, for example… allowing use of the bank buttoins to select separate decks.

The ‘if in active loop’ modifier in Traktor is also very handy.


Hey @Jake_Williams and everyone who posted here,

Thank you for your feeback, we are grateful for it and find it useful, so don’t hesitate to share or to keep sharing it!

I will be passing this feedback on to our Dev Team and keep you posted with any updates. Cheers :slight_smile:


This would be awesome for mapping my midi fighter 3d


Just think about how much more ‘bang for your buck’ you could get out of just one controller. Also, learning about modifier states and conditions when I used to map with Traktor was what got me interested in coding later on.

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+1 for modifiers. It is very important to have more modifiers available to make complete maps on midi controllers. I also switched to djay pro because I see future and development but we have been asking for this option for a long time now, please make this possible. thanks

I’m up to this! im using some controllers for the FX and neural but sometime i’m limited because the lack of modifiers

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Hi, is there a chance that DjayPro implements so-called modifiers (like NI Traktor) for the mapping? Since the shift button does not cover all possibilities. Greetings

I realise this is an old thread but I am new to trialling DJay Pro from Traktor and these suggestions for modifiers would be awesome to allow us to get more out of our NI controllers. I have just about every Traktor controller and would love to get more out of my S2 Mk3 and D2s. Recognising active loops or even just the shift key would be a welcome addition. I’ve been using DJay Pro only a couple of days and I’m already wishing it did this… thanks.

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Hi @DoctorBlock, thanks for the input. I have passed this onto the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this.

I support this feature. A dj software and midi controller are the leading actors and the correlation between the two is important. Midi is one of the most important basic concepts here and it is important that it is capable. I have been a Traktor user almost since the day it was first released, and one of the few things that binds me to Traktor is this flexibility in midi mapping. And additionally midi mapping should be improved in general. +1500

(used translation)

I agree with that, but this would be new Pandora’s Box for sure.

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@Slak_Jaw, please escalate this to the R&D team again. Let us have a “Conditions” in the Advanced Section, where we can see and set per command modifier conditions in the mappings UI.

They modifiers support is there in the engine, and every command can evaluate a condition. It’s just not accessible to us, the users. And we need it.

As a first step, just let us see and edit them per command. That should be relatively easy for the Dev Team.

A full implementation to manage and construct new modifiers would also be useful for unsupported controllers, but for enhancing supported ones, the mapping team does great job in defining modifiers, and we can just build on top of what they did.

Example Use Cases:
I’m overmapping stuff with a custom SHIFT (secondary) key on an MC7000.

  1. I want and to set 3rd action for the PADs. But through the UI, I cannot take into account the selected Pad Mode. There’s a “condition” defined in the XML which evaluates the Pad mode, and does different things, but it’s not accessible to me at mapping time through the UI. Therefore, I can only set one custom SHIFT override for all the PAD modes for the deck. If I can adjust the condition in the mapping UI, I will be able to set different things for the pads to perform in each of the Pad Modes (Cue/Roll/Slicer/etc). This would give me tons of extra actions to perform in the context of the selected Pad mode.

If the UI has the “Condition” section, I would read the conditions of the stock Pads maps; do a “Duplicate” of the (+SHIFT) entry; edit the condition of the duplicate; set the right condition for it and define the assignment command for selected PAD mode.

  1. I want to set the FX1/2/3 On/Off buttons of the controller to assign the Drums/Harmonic/Vocal NM channel to the respective FX 1/2/3 slots when a custom +SHIFT is pressed. It works well for decks 1 & 2, but it’s not working for Decks 3 & 4, as there’s a hidden condition in the mapping file for when we switch decks 1/3 & 2/4. As I cannot see/edit a condition in the mapping UI, my custom SHIFT mapping only works for 1&2 no matter that decks 3/4 are active.

If the UI has the “Condition” section, I would read how the stock FX maps are configured, will do a “Duplicate”; edit the condition of the duplicated entry; and apply the NM FX assignment command with the right condition for Decks 3 & 4.

A condition in the XML looks like this:

<string>modifier5 == 0</string>

For the MC7000, “modifier5” holds the state of which deck is selected - Deck1=0, Deck3=1. Simple.
I’m now playing with this and achieve what I want with a “duplicate” through the UI, followed by adding/editing the conditions in the XML, but that’s a very hard way to do it. Dev-wise, it’d be relatively easy to expose the “Condition” string in the Mapping editor UI.

I will create a HOWTO post for others to do these settings with their controllers too, but messing with these XMLs directly is unsafe and not the right way to do it. Yet, it works :laughing:

There are multiple modifiers in the XML, and are not documented (and no comments in the XML), but who cares. It’s easy to check what is used in a similar command, test one-two values and figure out what does the job. If we have access to the string in the UI, we don’t need to mess with the XML code in the file.

BTW, we have communication on this in a thread from few years back…

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Thanks for the feedback and additional info @Kaloyan. I’ve shared this with the devs.

@Slak_Jaw one use case I had years ago was being able to map four decks and the step sequencer in Traktor on my Kontrol S2 which was a very basic two deck controller. Because of the previously mentioned conditions and 7 Modifiers each with 7 different states, I was able to do some really crazy things with the most basic controllers, and I’d love to, for example, give my DJControl Starlight four decks and a few more extensive FX options in DJay Pro if this was easy and safe to do.

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Thanks for the additional info and suggestions @IAmTheUngulate

first off i want to express how good Djay algoriddim pro is, with its ability to follow fluctuations in tempo…
its just been a real pleasure to use

i use x2 native instruments Maschine Jam controllers in a 4deck configuration alongside Djay pro & a 4deck configuration with virtualDJfree… essentially working 8 decks on the 2 maschine jam controllers

in my efforts to cram as many templates&applications as i can… to run multiple applications alongside the 2 best DJapps out there… the need for using multiple modifiers is one of the challenges i have come across when using algoriddim’s DjayPro… as it seems to only allow a single modifier

admittedly i have touchstrips at my disposal on the M-jam, but i need to be conservative in my approach to mapping Djay pro.
Thus the need for having multiple modifiers to make use of the single encoder on both Mjam’s
…which would be a huge benefit to my own controller setup… but im certain others would benefit from having additional modifiers…
a single modifier doesnt quite fill the requirements in order to map all crucial functions for Djay pro… no matter the controller… the idea of using a mouse/keyboard to fill in the gaps is the least preferable

i did notice this has been a feature request since 2020??
anyway just bringing this FR to the fore

Hi @7nz, welcome to the Community! Thanks for the positive feedback - it’s always appreciated. I have merged your new topic with this existing one. In the future, please do not create new topics on the same subject as this makes it harder for our teams to track and monitor user demand for feature requests. Thanks again!

apologies for not finding the appropriate thread to post in, i figured a 2020 thread…was past its used by date LOL
btw thanks for the welcome

No problem @7nz! You’re welcome. Please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page to show your interest in adding this feature. Thanks!