Unable to search in Files library source

Hello, on mi Djay pro installed on IPad Pro 2020 I cant find The tab “search”.
From what I saw on the manual, I can tell that The “Lent” it’s just not where it suppose to be
Any advice?
Thanks for your suggestions


Hi @Francesco_Florio,

At this time there is not an option to search for files within the My Files source in djay for iOS.

I will pass this along to our dev team as a feature request and update this thread with any further information.

Thanks so much!


Any updates regarding search within the files menu? This is a really important feature for DJs that wish to import and use their own files/libraries.

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Hi @Beemee,

Thanks for posting to the community for the first time!

As of right now there have not been any updates regarding this feature request. I will, however, update this thread when I receive any new information about this suggestion.

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Why is it not possible to search for a single song on the iOs version as you can on the mac version?

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Hi @JoshuaPT,

Could you please tell me a little more about what you’re trying to search for exactly on the iPad, what you expect to happen, and what actually happens? For example, is this in a specific music source in djay’s music library, or are you having trouble searching across all library sources (e.g., Files, iTunes/Music, TIDAL, SoundCloud, etc.)?

Looking forward to your reply so we can get to the bottom of this. Thanks!

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There is no option to search when you are on files

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@JoshuaPT - I’ve moved your question over to this existing thread on the same topic. At the moment, the search functionality on iOS in the Files music library source in djay would require an enhancement on Apple’s side.

As a current workaround, if you import the files into the My Collection source in djay, then all items are indexed and searchable.

All that said, our team is aware of the demand for this feature and we’re looking into what can be done here for future developments to the app. We’ll keep this thread updated with any news from our team!

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Hallo zusammen.

Wenn ich als Quelle Tidal zum Abspielen der Musik nutze kann ich nach Songs suchen über das Lupen Symbol.

Wenn ich einen USB Stick nutze auf der Musik abgelegt ist, wird die Lupe nicht dargestellt, ich kann also keine Songs auf dem Stick suchen.

Mache ich etwas falsch oder ist das so gewollt?

German translation:

Hello, everyone.

If I use Tidal as the source to play the music, I can search for songs using the magnifying glass icon.

If I use a USB stick on which music is stored, the magnifying glass is not displayed, so I cannot search for songs on the stick.

Am I doing something wrong or is this intentional?

Da musste ich doch gleich mal nachschauen, hätte darauf gewettet, dass das bei mir anders ist. Aber nein, tatsächlich keine Suchfunktion. Das ist mir wohl bisher nicht aufgefallen, weil ich in den Jahren immer mehr darauf gekommen bin, dass das lokale Vorhalten tausender Titel schlicht nicht sinnvoll ist, und daher verhältnismäßig flott durch meine Playlisten scrollen kann.
Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das wirklich bewusst so entschieden wurde, denn generell wäre das ja schon sinnvoll, auch meiner Meinung nach. Aber Du machst auf jeden Fall schon mal nichts falsch. :wink:

German translation:

I had to look it up right away, I would have bet it was different for me. But no, actually no search function. I guess I didn’t notice that until now, because over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that storing thousands of titles locally simply doesn’t make sense, and I can therefore scroll through my playlists relatively quickly.
But I can’t imagine that this was really a conscious decision, because in general it would make sense, even in my opinion. But you’re definitely not doing anything wrong. :wink:


Hi @Erdna_Nekeeb,

Thanks for posting to the community for the first time!

We do already have a thread that suggests adding this functionality to djay for iOS found here so I will be merging this thread to the one previously mentioned.

Additionally, please make sure to translate your posts to English in the future.

Have a nice day!

Please can you explain this in a bit more detail. I would think that by adding the folders from my external drive, it would be added to my collection automatically. Are you telling me that if I want to search for a track that is on my external drive, even though I’ve added that folder to my collection & analysed it, it’s not actually part of my collection database & therefore can’t search? This is quite a big issue, coz most ipads & iphones have limited internal storage. I’ll go as far as to say that this could make me opt for a different software. I certainly can’t remember where rach & every song is located on my external music drive


I also have files (tracks and videos) imported to the Files section (from Dropbox) and search is still not available.

So if I want to use this workaround of My Collection how can I do this in bulk?

As a related question given this is a flat structure what’s best practice to tag files by genre (and maybe bpm)?

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I would also love to know the best way to do this.

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This seems like it should be basic functionality. As others have mentioned, it unfortunately is difficult to import and search existing, file based music libraries. Could someone, algo staff or friendly user, please share their workflow/best practices?

My biggest challenge has been restructuring files to have them import seamlessly and enable search to work as it should. Subfolders seem to be problematic… Ex. Each album in its own folder. It seems that all tracks must be in a single folder, thus creating potential filename issues.

Anyone have any tips? :pray:t3:

@Beemee Your best option is to use iTunes/Music. There are some detailed recommendations here:

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Thanks for sharing! Anyone else?

Now with the new reloop Mixon 8 pro. There’s no way DJs can live without that search feature. Definitely a must-have!

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We all feel ya.

I have my main collection on external drives with cloned copies. I prefer to use usb sticks so I can preform on different platforms. My usb stick works with Traktor, serato, engine os and pioneer cdjs/rekordbox. I can’t store my collection on my iPhone or iPad because there is not enough space on any models that can hold my collection + 4-6k video files that I want to edit.

Pls add search for files linked to usb sticks. Thnx

This also affects the Windows version.
Workaround is to create playlist(s) with the local files, then they become searchable.
The drawback is that these playlists will never update themselves automatically, so adding or removing files will not update the software database.