Various sound issues

  • Device model MACBOOK AIR
  • Version of operating system SONOMA 14.5
  • Version of djay 5.2.5
  • Hardware/controllers used PIONEER DDJ-FLX4

Various Issues

Had continued issues of it randomly exiting loops, the loop is still highlighted but it moves past it! I do have a video of this!

My new issues are more worrying! I’ve had the bass completely go on one channel for a song I play every week! Like it’s compressing, I then reloaded the song and it worked fine. The week before on the other channel it went quieter and distorted for like 3 or 4 songs then was fine! Which makes me think it’s not my hardware and it’s the software struggling or something. Any ideas?

Hi @John_Copley1, thanks for the details about your setup and the issue.

  1. In the djay Settings>Advanced, do you have iCloud Syncing enabled?
  2. Are you running the latest FLX4 firmware from AlphaTheta?

I can’t find iCloud syncing in the Djay advanced settings! its not there on mine. Ive gone into my iCloud settings and disabled syncing, what will this help with? I’ll do a firmware update on my Pioneer.

Hi @John_Copley1, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Quit djay.
  2. Make sure you have a backup of your djay Media Library.djayMediaLibrary file on an external drive or cloud service.
    a. You can find the files above in the following location:
  3. If you have previously disabled iCloud for djay Pro in System settings, please make sure it is re-enabled for djay Pro.
  4. Open the app
  5. Run this command: defaults write com.algoriddim.djay-iphone-free CMCResetCloudKitState -bool true
  6. Launch djay. This will reset the CloudKit and clear up any performance issues related to iCloud sync.
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Before I do all this can you just describe what the iCloud sync has to do with my issues and what this will help with exactly!?

Hi @John_Copley1, iCloud Sync automatically syncs track metadata generated while using djay on your Mac, iPad, or iPhone. This includes cue points and loop regions per song. There was a known issue with CloudKit that affected a small number of macOS djay users. This caused performance issues like what you have described. The process above resets the CloudKit and has cleared up these issue for most users. This is a one-time reset process. I hope that helps answer your question.

For more details on iCloud Sync, please refer to the FAQ below:

When I pressed enter on the command it came up with this…

jonathancopley@JONATHANs-Laptop ~ %

is that done or do I have to enter sometime else??

All done. Just reboot your laptop and do some testing to see if things have improved.