What is the sound quality when using Spotify?

FYI: Since our latest update of djay Pro, you can now assign the Spotify song quality to “High” (~320kb/s)!

Anyting new on this? The soundquality is really shitty when you are playing on a little better soundsystem.

Hi all

Im just about to buy a high end Pioneer controller to take advantage of the DJ / Spotify integration to get back into playing with the library that I’ve build over the last 7 years. I intend on buying a pro Nexus set up later but wanted to be sure I still enjoyed DJ’ing and start the learning curve on a digital controller and Spotify.

From what I’m reading here though:

  • Even if my laptop app is running all Spotify files at 320 Mp3 (cached and streamed) , DJ will only serve me 94k? Essentially serving me a newly streamed file vs a cached one?

  • Which leads to my other question, if its streaming live only, then surely even on a decent connection this must be incredibly unstable.

Thanks for your feedback.


Warren, by good performance, is this because the tracks are being streamed, or ‘progressively cached’ via DJ, and so higher bit rate would cause more buffering? This is essential for me to understand. As if cached music can’t be played this is at best a gimmick solution.

OK, now we are getting there. Thank you Christian. Im talking about the pro version on Mac. So if my library is cached on Spotify at 320 (Extreme) and my streaming setting is Extreme also (320), thats whats played via DJ?

Additionally you are saying cached playlists work - as this makes things far more stable, even if a ‘connection’ is required…

Thanks again for clearing this up for me…

Has anyone used Pro for Mac with a DDJ SX2?


With Djay Pro for Ipad it’s supposed to be 320 if you change it in preferences.
I haven’t been able to check it myself yet though.

I recently used Djay Pro at a private birthday party, only playing music from spotify all night long, with no problem at all. I had my own LTE Router with me and my MacBook was connected via WiFi. Sound was good enough for this event and I was able to play nearly every request. I wish it would be possible to have the better sound quality in Djay 2 for iPad as well.

I can’t find any preferences in Djay Pro for iPad which would offer to change the sound quality. Only in Djay Pro for Mac you will find such an option

There’s no option in Djay2

As I said before, there’s no such option, not in my (German) version

Yes you are right, it works. I can’t remember that anyone from algoriddim has ever mentioned this option

Hi Randy, good tool TuneFab, ideal for downloading high quality mp3. In fact the software make a real time recording of each song in the fly. So if your list is 8 hours lenght music, it will take 8 hours to create all mp3 files at a maximum quality of 320Kbs (do not try to use the higher 520Kbs in TuneFab as it is not real, Spotify does not deliver higher resolution than that. You will be creating big files with lower contents)
A pity it does not correctly generate the mp3 with the right singer names. Did you notice it ? Try importing directly to Djay or Rekordbox the generated files, and player name will not appear. (via iTunes yes, as iTunes search the name on line)

Hey Reut Cohen,

the appearing option was a bug which got excluded from djay 2.

Cheers,Lukas E.

Wow, the option only appears after you choose “Sign out of spotify”
that’s pretty buggy. Can’t believe I have been playing at 92kbps all this year when I could have been at 320! oh well a new year a new kbps! haha!

What is the djay Pro for iPad Sound quality ? 96 or 320 ??

Hi, and then, how we set up high quality streaming from spotify now ?

Hi Jonas,

You’re right and it’s also the case with iPad DJAY 2 app. No options to set up Spotify quality inside the app but it works when editing options of DJAY from iphone preferences. Question mark, how to be sure that the streaming quality is really 320kb/s when playing ?


On my Iphone I can select the sound quality only trough the settings of the iphone itself.
Not in the DJay2 app.

Settings in the djay 2 app → Library

Settings Iphone → djay 2 → Library

The streaming quality option has now been disabled!
I’m guessing this has happened during an update of Djay!
Also I’ve been using Spotify with djay for a few years now without any problems, but now after using it for around 2 hours the audio starts buffering! If I switch back to to iTunes for 20 mins and switch back, it’s fine, but starts again after a short while!
Has anyone else had this issue?