Brian, as of now, there is no fix. What you have to do is to make sure you have all of those songs directly on your IPAD, meaning sync them from itunes directly. Don’t download them from the cloud. This has worked for me. I don’t take recommendations from people therefore I don’t have to download random songs from itunes . I also carry a large Ipod classic with me if I need more music. IDJ Pro will play from an external mp3 device as well.
Go to Settings > Music> Show All Music//// Turn that off.
the reason you want to do this is because it’s difficult to see what music is actually on your ipad and which ones are on the cloud.
Now that you only see which music is on the ipad, You could delete them manually by going to the music app, list the songs and swipe from right to left until you see the delete button. That takes awhile if you have a lot of files.
The other way is to connect it to Itunes.
Select your ipad
maximize the folders on th eipad by clicking on the arrow left of the ipad.
Got to music, highlight all songs and right mouse click and delete them.
You then can create new playlist and drag them over to the ipad.
As for other download sites,I’m not sure. I keep all itunes stuff together and music from other sites in a different folder that Itunes is connected to do. I’m not sure this is the best way but for me it has always been more clear for me to know which ones are MP3 or waves vs. the itunes extension.
I think I finally solved the DRM problem!! I gave up awhile back trying to solve this problem but a friend of mine starting having the same problem and desperately needed help for a party she was playing next week. So we sat down yesterday combed through the internet ,including this forum and topic, and I think we figured out the problem. The solution is still an old solution but KNOWING the problem is the best thing.
Warren was giving us correct solutions but not really explaining how those solutions should correct the problem. For example, “You should have Itunes Match”, well some of us did have itunes match and it still didn’t work. Or “you should download the songs from icloud”, well some of us were doing that as well and it still didn’t work.
The problem is with FAIR PLAY 2 songs. Itunes no longer make a designation of Protected or not protected under “KIND”. None of my songs or my friends songs would say that it’s protected. But we found that Older files, say 2009 or before that we bought from ITUNES has a FAIR PLAY 2 label on them that none of the other songs had. THESE were the culprits. Current songs that you buy from itunes work perfectly because they aren’t protected. You only need Itunes MATCH to get unprotected songs at 256Kbps, all others are DRM free already.
SO here is what you need to do.
Go to your purchased playlist and sort them by date purchased. Right mouse click on the songs that you have a problem with and go to “get info”. Under the summary tab, right under apple ID it will tell you if the song is FAIR PLAY 2.
If it is then you have several solutions to try to fix it.
The free but time consuming way is to burn a cd of those tracks and then rip them back into itunes. This is an automatic fix,I guarantee it. This is the way we did it. We fixed about 100 tracks for her and they work perfectly now with dJay.
Do what warren was trying to tell us about. If you have ITUNES match, you are supposed to be able to get DRM-free versions of those old purchased tracks. Here’s the problem and why that suggestion didn’t always work for us,ITUNES MATCH SUCKS,lol. It doesn’t always work, especially if the new version of the song has a different bit-rate, also MATCH will decide to not upgrade certain songs for no apparent reason,ALSO,Itunes don’t always carry the same tracks anymore. Which was my problem. Many of my DRM protected tracks were old TRESOR compilations that ITUNES use to sell. Well they don’t sell them anymore hence the reason I couldn’t get a DRM-free version. With that said, I can’t guarantee this solution will work for everyone.
I know this was long winded but I though a full explanation of this problem was warranted. Good Luck,
Scott , believe me I was just as upset. Scroll above and you will see that I couldn’t believe that this wasn’t fixed either. But after really researching this , I don’t think this is a problem dJay can fix. The problem is with Itunes. One test I did to see if this is true was to try to play the same tracks on Traktor DJ and DJ Player apps on my ipad. Guess what, I got the same problem. This is an issue with older tracks you downloaded through itunes. If you are having the problem with NEW music then it is something else all together.
I’m having the same problem with songs I donwloaded to my iphone via iTunes Match (which is pretty much all my songs). Most of them don’t load in djay 2 as I get the “Could not load track: This media format is not supported” error message.
I just installed djay 2 on both my iphone and iPad and think it’s a really cool product, but if I can’t play any songs, it’s unusable.
On iPhone with djay 2 for iPhone plays all songs! But on iPadMini with djay 2 for iPad every song is DRM protected - hello, all songs are CD ripps
It’s getting worse. First just a few songs wouldn’t load, now more and more. DJ’d at a wedding after my band played and loads of tracks I’d purchased on the brides request wouldn’t play. Very embarrassing and put a dampener on the night. Needs to be sorted.
Sitting here last night and now today trying and trying everything, this is so useless, Djay 2 is the same, useless.
I had actually forgotten why I don’t bother with Djay anymore, shame the thing that reminded me was downloading Djay 2 and then sitting here for hours trying everything to play DRM songs, trying to redownload, can’t delete from iPad etc, etc.
Useless, should get a refund on the app, no way am I buying it for my mac, which I was going to…so frustrating and unfair.
Apple the big modern friendly company that won’t refund money on useless apps.
New user here of the App. My IPAD lists 187 songs of which the Built in Music player on the IPAD plays them all. Djay will only play about 10 that are listed in bold when I bring up the music list. If I rip an old cd of music into Itunes, confirm it plays in ITunes then sync to my IPAD the music does not pick up/play in Djay. It does in the Built in music app on the IPAD. 90% of my Itunes downloads don’t play either. This is more then frustrating. Advice? Yes I get the DRM cloud error on ones that are not in bold. Thanks
Ja Maul Thank you… What is the easiest way for me to delete all music on my IPAD then reload via a Sync through ITunes and the USB wire from my PC to IPAD. Sorry I am not a super strong IPAD mac user. I am guessing I can delete through Itunes with my IPAD hooked up via USB? Can I delete just with my IPAD? Last question if I start buying and downloading music from DJ sites do I just point the download to my Itunes folder on my PC then sync over to my IPAD for IDjpro to play?
Thanks a ton… Brian Neveil
So my choices to fix this issue are to pay $25 to get match, and hope it works for the 200+ tracks that are useless to me, or to burn all those songs to a CD, and re-rip them back to my PC?
I’m not doing either one of those things.This is ridiculous.This app was a waste of money.
So this is something that will never be fixed then, correct?
Warren! I have not seen an employee remark to these problems in 10 months. WTH?