YOU DID IT ! Universal Djay app and subscription iOS, iPadOS, macOS ! \o/ \O/ \o/

I just realized djay AI is now available as an universal app for all Apple platforms. It is exactly my request posted some time ago here :slight_smile:

Thank you for that that’s excellent ! And I’m happy to learn the same subscription unlocks all platforms. This is hence any-brainer for me.

Among advantages of a universal app I was also mentioning feature sync between these platforms and of course well working playlist/track data sync.

I hope it means we’ll also get ability to route audio in external mixer mode on the mobile versions, another request I made some time ago here :

Though while the macOS has appeared as universal app on macOS, I haven’t seen the update iOS/iPad OS side for now.

Anyways, I can only praise the move to universal binary and subscription for djay. No one in the DJ software industry does that, like for Touch Bar support, AI and Tidal track/video streaming, Algoriddim has been the first to bring all these features.

Eagerly waiting for djay to now catch-up on such things as DVS to be seen even more seriously in the DJing scene. Keep up the good work Algoriddim teams !

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