5.0 Bpm glitches!!

Hi !
I had a stressful GIG 2 days ago and it was stressful with the 5,0… I had a similar BPM issue. I figured the dynamic and straight setting. It was okay at first, but it started switching back to the dynamic mode and I had to manually change it. It there a there any way to lock-it ( dynamic or straight) to your preferences ?



100% agrée. I had to manually do it live 2 days ago, hoping for a solution to have a preferred mode locked in

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I’ve spent years manually inputting all my beat grids in and now they’re completely wrecked. Random starts, no grids matching, all the bpms changed, can’t set a beatgrid without all the track being thrown out. I’m just devastated and I feel like giving up now. I have thousands of tracks that are ruined and unplayable because of this update and I can’t revert…

I am literally in tears.


That’s crap indeed. Food for thought for the team.

Maybe not assume that every new feature is an improvement for everyone and make upgrading to whatever new feature optional.

E.g. In Live they’ve made tons of tweaks on internal devices over the years, but they’ll never force you to use the latest one as sets will open up with the original / old version and an ‘update’ button.

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There needs to be a legacy beatgrid option so I can save my sets on iOS. Other wise I’ll just enter the same information from scratch in rekordbox and ditch this system once and for all…

Again, sorry for the delay. As promised, here are the FAQ articles for the Fluid Beatgrid system:


Hi @Donall_O_Cleirigh, I’m linking my response from the other thread here just in case.

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If anyone is having Beatgrid issues, can you please try the following?

  1. Check if any of the songs you’re having issues with show a red Reset button in the edit grid section.
  2. If so, please try using this button to reset your grids and allow the system to reanalyze them. Thanks!


Crazy. I was about to do a set when I had to update. Now I genuinely have no idea what is going on with the BPM. Simply put it moves on it and a lot of the time is not in sync with the other song. AND it moves without the music playing at all! This is a wilddddd update to make without proper testing. It really messed with my set.

I’ve read this thread and changed the BPM setting to straight and it’s still going haywire. This is a bug not a feature right? I absolutely love this software, and it’s the reason I haven’t learned CDJs…but honestly it looks like I’m going to have to make that a priority.

There needs to be an option to turn this off asap!


If a track consists of two tempos, is there a way to adjust the tempo either side of an anchor separately?

I’ve found a track that the Fluid Beatgrid doesn’t understand. DJay can detect that there are two tempos, but the grid lines in the slower section are in between beats. The grids in the fast section are in the correct place.

I’m finding I can’t correct one section without the grids in the other section moving. I tried placing an anchor at the changeover point but then the grid after the anchor was too slow.

@PKtheDJ try placing an anchor point on the last correct beat before the “off section” then another anchor point at the end of the “off section”.

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It’s not allowing me to add a second anchor…

Having the same problems.

This app was working perfectly before this update. As a matter of fact, that is the only reason I ditched my previous DJ app 2 months ago, and now this. This is unacceptable!

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…as who? What are the problems?

What is “this”?

It seems to me after reading this thread, people seem to be misunderstanding how Fluid Beatgrid works.

They’re so used to DJ software incorrectly assigning a single BPM to all tracks that they see any variation as a problem. Actually it’s the other way around. Now we’re able to see the true BPM any any point. If it varies, we see it.


Correct. You hit the nail on the head.


I made an account here just to say that this update is horrible. Songs that I am positive are straight BPM, are being recognized as dynamic and the tempo is jumping all over the place. All songs should be defaulted to straight or at least the option to default them should be added. I have a gig tomorrow and this is causing me so much unneeded stress.

Even manually setting those tracks to straight is an issue because I can no longer set my beat grids properly.

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Besides the annoyance of seeing the BPM jump, what is actually going wrong?

I mean sound wise?

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WHICH SONGS? Please guys, provide some information.

When you say the “tempo is jumping”, are you just seeing the BPM readout changing? It’s supposed to!

If it’s changing, then it’s showing you the variations in tempo from the track, not just an average as most software does.

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