Add support for Denon Prime Go


thats great Slak thank you

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Hope this really gets added in the next revision of compatible controllers. It’s such a rock solid compact controller that can replace the MC6000MKII but only as a two channel. I’ve got most of it custom mapped out, but would love a complete native version.


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Hi everyone,

We’re happy to announce that in today’s v5.2 update for djay on Mac, iOS, and Windows, the Prime Go is now supported.

For more information, please click the link below.

Have a nice day!


Hallelujah!! Thank you so much!


The JiPenade & salsaweb’s djGeronimo mapping works better with VU Meter LEDs
The official release Djay 5.2 buttons lights work work better but no VU Meters
Can someone else also validate this please?
@JiPenade can you add the VU Meter LED magic to official mapping and share please?

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Hi @salsaweb,

Thanks for sharing your feedback.

We’ve passed your update over to our hardware team for further review and will update this topic as new information comes in.

Thank you!


I would also like to add if we could have the FX Select button ON to have a midi command,
Assign 1 & Assign 2 buttons to have a midi command,
Hot Cue, Loop, Roll, Bank buttons to have a midi command,
Mic 1 ON and Mic 2 ON buttons to have a midi command.

And obviously the screen would make it a huge game changer

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VU meters aren’t working for me with the official Map,
How was JiPenade able to do this?

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Very interesting results overall. Some really good integrations and some not.

Hello there. Same things for me. The vu meters doesn’t work with iPad and denon prime go.

Its incredible that Virtual DJ has had all this including screens working for years already… come on Algoriddim team!


How were you able to get the VU meters to work?
I couldn’t find a Midi command for it

Amazing how a non official map can get VU meters to work but official one doesn’t. How does that even happen? Come on Algoriddim get it together.


unhopefully my subscription to Djay Pro is now ended so i cannot plug anymore my Prime Go…

thanks to the @kyleawayan post, here is what you can do to add VuMeter to the djay mapping :

Edit the djay mapping add the following to the XML:


Just place this key and array somewhere inside the root <dict>

Please try and report if this does not work


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Thanks for replying, I don’t know how to do that as my limits might be modifying the midi map,
How is this done?
Do I need to use a computer or can that be done on the iPad?

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Hi all
could you try this djay mapping for the 5.2 version please? i tried to add the vumeter lights which was missing and now it should work (but it is not perfect…) ; at least it works on my iPad :slight_smile:
Denon DJ PRIME GO jipenade v2.djayMidiMapping (76.4 KB)


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Thanks yes it works!
I have now edited your map to my liking with all the features I had added to my mapp.

Yes the VU meters do work but the top/peak LED don’t come on in Master output mode, however in the Prime Go settings, if I switch the VU meter to Channel output, then the top/peak LED works as well.

In your original map, the Assign 1 & Assign 2 buttons as well as the FX Select On button were able to be mapped, in this new version which I take is an edit of the Djay version, those buttons don’t work…

Is this something you could fix or is it on the side of Algoriddim?