šŸ“£ ANNOUNCEMENT: New Hardware Support Update

Dj 707 m is great controller for Mobile DJā€™s


Since Roland DJ is obsolete and donā€™t have a contract with Serato, please ask them if they can make drivers for the iPad.


I canā€™t wait to use my rane four with djay pro. When? Itā€™s a nobrainer that it should be supported.

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There was a discussion about Native Instruments hardware. One poster was saying it was the best. I simply mentioned that people having issues on the Native Instruments forum would disagree.

[Iā€™m a NI user myself and have no issues]

Add me to the list of DJs waiting for RANE FOUR support; Serato is great, but djay Pro does more of what I need [automix, library sources, organization, multiple mobile devices/backup]. PLEASE make this happen so I can use my FOUR instead of being limited to my ONE.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Device for Pre-cueing & Master Ouput on iPad

Thereā€™s a lot to love about these recent Roland decks, esp the 505 & 808 with built-in drum sequencer
because theyā€™re among very few decks that support 5-pin DIN MIDI out.

MIDI out makes it so easy to sync external gear for unique sounds and more hands on controls with outboard gear. Itā€™s really confusing that more mid to high level controllers donā€™t support this totally basic and super affordable interface so DJs can easily add their fav drum machines/synths/sequencers/etc.

Denon Prime series has Ableton Link. 5 pin DIN MIDI is a bit long in the tooth now. :smiley:

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Ableton Link is nifty, but is also perfectly useless with decades of gear though.

Also, itā€™s a cranky software solution often facilitated via flighty wireless connection. Itā€™s surprisingly solid but not totally reliable like hardware tech that may be crusty old but is pretty much always rock solid (which is why itā€™s still in use).

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I remember seeing Ann article that mentioned a bunch of new mappings. Do we have an ETA yet? Do we know what controllers are being added?


Hi @Stevie_Ray, hereā€™s the topic you were looking for. In the future, please use search instead of creating new topics so we can keep this forum and the conversations organized. The dev team is getting closer, but we donā€™t have any specifics that we are ready to share just yet. Exciting things are coming, but we want to make sure we get everything right. Thanks for your patience.

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Letā€™s hope the Algoriddim team are ā€˜performingā€™ to their best ability :wink:

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Thanks @Slak_Jaw, I did use the search for a couple of keywords but couldnā€™t find it. Thanks for the update. Hopefully soon. I want to get new gear. lol

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Youā€™re welcome @Stevie_Ray

Lol. I see what you did thereā€¦ Well played :wink:

Almost a month after the last reply, little slip of the tongue please :pray:


Pioneer XDJ 1000 MkII HID support, please!

Have they announced any new hardware? Looking into the Roland DJ 707M.

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Where is the announcement? Checking this form almost everyday, almost 2 months, still nothing :pensive:

Hello everyone! Thanks for the continued enthusiasm on this topic. Iā€™m happy to report that djay 5.2 is currently in private Beta testing so things are getting close. Final release timing depends greatly on what happens during this final testing stageā€¦ We will share more news as soon as we can. Thanks!