Best used iPad for DJay Pro


I’m looking to buy a USED iPad for under $500 USD that will run DJay Pro the best, with as little lagging and processing issues as possible.

I’ll be using DJay with turntables and DVS and mainly streaming tracks, so I assume I need a decent iPad.

Can anyone recommend some good models?

Can I expect excellent performance from an iPad in this price range?

Could I go even cheaper and still have excellent performance?

I know just about zero about iPads, so thanks in advance!

don’t buy used, buy refurbished direct from apple.
This one fits the parameters:

Or this one, which leaves enough room in the budget for an apple pencil, and maybe Applecare, and don’t forget the camera adapter so you can plug it in to maintain a charge while performing in addition to connecting peripherals/controllers:

General rule of thumb is to buy the newest you can get within your budget, so eventhough they were released at the same time, the Air has the newer/better/faster silicon, so that puts the bullseye squarely on the Air. It’s a newer processor, and will be supported by both Apple and algoriddim a bit longer, bluetooth 5, a screen that’s a smidge bigger.


Bite the bullet.
Go new and most powerful.
Any new djay versions will always need more than current. It will not be enough sooner than you think


@tdez I agree with @heysoundude and @LaidbackFred. Buy the most powerful device you can afford. Given that you mainly plan to use streaming services, you could choose a device with less storage, but newer processor.

For reference, I’m currently running djay Pro AI on an iPad Air 4 and iPhone 11 with zero issues.

Also when you get your “new” iPad here are some tips to maximize performance and stability:


Hey guys - thanks so much for the really helpful replies!

I’m actually in Canada, so I’ll see what the refurbished Apple store looks like here and try and get the best one.

Thanks again!

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@tdez you’re welcome. Happy to help. Good luck!

smh and I went to all the trouble of finding the non-canadian refurb site lol

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Sorry! Ha…should have mentioned that. But, I can still find the same models here, so appreciate it :+1:

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