Cannot load rack error (OSStatus error - 12178)

We’ve tested this issue ever since iOS 7 beta was released with over a 100 Beatport tracks on several devices and haven’t been able to get the error once.

If you’re still experiencing this issue, then please try deleting and re-syncing the songs to your device. If this doesn’t help, please kindly provide information regarding the affected songs for testing.

This is a problem that’s separate from the main topic, so I created a new topic to continue the discussion. Please reference the new topic here: Loading Error when using Automix on iOS 7


It seems that this 2003334207 error is different than the original problem. Does this happen when using Automix?

Ive just started getting this error message on random tracks, never had it before, using ipad air2 with ios 9.1

To be honest, I have only come across this error this morning - with tunes downloaded recently added to my ipad which were bought from Beatport.

But they play fine within the default music player.

Sorry to see that others have had this problem for a while now though - looks like I’ll be paying a lot more attention to this post now in the future.

Just updated my iPad 2 (32gb) to 6.1.3 and tried the tracks again within djay and I haven’t had the message pop up yet.

anche io ho lo stesso problema, cosa posso fare?

quando carico un brano mi spunta OSSTATUS error - 12178, il controller si blocca.
Per riprendere devo riattivare djay e quindi il controller iDjpro. Dopo pochi minuti mi si ripresenta il problema.

Con iOS 6.0 non c’ea alcun problema. Il problema è sorto non appena ho istallato iOS 6.1.
quanto si deve aspettare per risolvere la questione?

Noto con un certo disappunto che il problema non è stato ancora risolto o forse neanche affrontato, ma ricordo a tutti che circa sei mesi fa è accaduta qualcosa del genere o ancora peggio con il controller idjlive e iOS.6.0. Io non ho ancora ricevuto nessun controller idjlive in sostituzione. In ogni caso fiducioso ho acquistato idj pro.
Speriamo che non finisce come la volta scorsa che non ho ricevuto nulla ed ho dovuto comprare un nuovo controller.

cari amici,
non perdete più tempo con questi sviluppatori e con numark che è tutto inutile, ed anche se risolveranno questo problema,(CHISSA FRA QUANTO TEMPO) ad ogni aggiornamento dello IOS vi troverete nuovamente nei guai. Abbiamo a che fare con gente poco seria; io ho cestinato sia l’idj live che l’idj pro e sono passato a prodotti più stabili e seri, immaginerete quali.
Non perdete ancora tempo con questi prodotti giocattolo e con questi sviluppatori di banalità, e svendete i vostri controller prima che non abbiano più valore nel mercato.

Guys!!! this is NOT algoriddims fault!!! to prove it, go into your normal music app (orange icon) on iphone or ipad and keep playing diffenet songs usually ones downloaded from beatport at the higher bit rate, you will find the track attempts to play, then wont play so you have to press play again, as Djay works a little different to the apple music app Djay crashes and the music app will resume if you press play again without having to be closed down and reopen. you will also nitice that when the iphone/ipad screen is locked and you press the home button twice, the usual effect is you have control over the misic app (play,pause,next/prev track) and it ALWAYS has the name of the last track/artis/album you were listening to at the top, but not after the new IOS update. the name of artis album and track dont appear anymore until you press play that is. this shows that its a bug with apples update, they have to accept this is a preoblem with them and they need to bring out an update (e.g. IOS 6.1.3) to fix this issue, algoriddim have a prefectly fucntional app until this update came out. algoriddim are tring to get arround this issue with an update, not that the should have to, but they are. until then, slag off Apple, NOT Algoriddim. PS Warren, can we get a daily update on progress?

See image 1

Then see image 2

In image 1 when i double tap the home button, the track information is blank. Robert, im sorry your having difficulty understanding what i was trying to explain on here, but I am glad your not experiencing the same problems as me.

Man united is just my lock screen wallpaper, if i press play it shows the album cover
this never happened until I did the APPLE UPDATE!

Ok guys, so I just downloaded a free dj app called edjing and I kept loading tracks that I’ve purchased from beatport, and eventually I got an error message come up and the app crashed, just like Djay does, I knew it would happen!!! I’m so pissed of at apple, this is a problem with their firmware since the update, this absolutly cannot be a coincidence. It’s the stock music app that has problems, I’m 100% certain!

Warren, are you saying you are communicating with apple regarding this iOS bug? have they aknowledged any bug? also did you read my previous comment that I downloaded a free dj app called “edjing” and I got exactly the same problem with songs from beatport only, the thing crashed on me, just like djay, this is how I know it’s an iOS bug and not just a problem with your app.

Warren, are you saying you are communicating with apple regarding this iOS bug? have they aknowledged any bug? also did you read my previous comment that I downloaded a free dj app called “edjing” and I got exactly the same problem with songs from beatport only, the thing crashed on me, just like djay, this is how I know it’s an iOS bug and not just a problem with your app.

Horray!!! the wicked witch is dead!!! apples update has seemed to have fixed the problem, most of my songs are the higher bit rate ones from beatport that I had problems loading the track, but I’ve just sat here and loaded tracks onto the decks 1 by 1 and not once have I had a crash!!! I think it’s fixed.