DJay crash after 4 hours of playing

I have never had the full crash during a set but have had one deck stop playing which was easily fixed by pressing play.
Haven’t had that in a while and I have just picked up a iPad air 5th Gen to replace my iPad 9th gen as I felt the 9th Gen was beginning to run at maximum capacity memory wise,
The new M1 chip is much faster.
I also follow Slak Jaw’s recommendation in that I have
Do not disturb on,
Bluetooth off,
All other apps closed
Perform hard reset before every gig.
This seems to have cured the problem

MRDJ, you write you are using Djay pro v 5.1.4 but 5.1.4 has not been released yet.
5.1.3 is current version

You are totally right. Here the things send from the program to Algoriddem:
App: djay 5.1.3 (57887)
Version: 5.1.3
OS: iPadOS 17.3.1 (21D61)
Language: English
MIDI devices: MIXTOUR (0x26AD8A39), Netwerk Session 1 (0x0) [unused]
Streaming services: Apple Music

Product: pro_loyalty_3.yearly-Paid-Active
Usage frequency: Once a week
Usage purpose: Private DJing, Semi-Professional DJing

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Yes one deck stopping with playing I also noticed, but thought I could have touched something…
I think it is a good idea to hard reset before a gig. I use it almost 3 years now and never had an issue. This is the first time. Probably I will update my iPad soon, but damn those things are so expensive …

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suddenly stopping a playing deck is a nightmare to any dj :scream:
i use Djay Pro on a iPadPro and on a macbook pro (both on 5.1.3)
yesterday i was sorting/creating playlists for some hours (on my macbook) with Djay and suddenly while scrolling thru some folders/playlists, first i got some small graphical glitches, within seconds the complete screen was scrambled, nothing was anything readable. i tried alt-tab to switch to another app but i could not see anything readable. i even was not able to force-stop anything. i could not see what i was doing on the screen . the only way out was by pressing&holding the powerbutton for a hard reset. after reboot i did a full hardware diagnostics test everything is ok. system could not find any problem. it was not overheating. my macbook did not feel very hot.

i’m not sure if this was caused by Djay app or some other hardware issue, but it should not be happening :face_with_spiral_eyes:

it was not reproducable. i tried to trigger the same crash/glitch again. started Djay pro and finder and applemusic in the background for some hours. the crash did not occure again.
(btw: there was no controller connected)
The systemlog is as clean as a whistle

Thanks for the additional details @MRDJ. Based on what you’ve described, I don’t really have any recommendations other than to review my personal iOS specific tips. In the meantime, I have already shared this with the engineering team to see if they can reproduce the issue and offer any suggestions. I’ll report back when I have news. Thanks!

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Blockquote Yes one deck stopping with playing I also noticed, but thought I could have touched something…

OK, so I’m not the only one, I also experience one deck randomly stopping from time to time, and sometimes hitting the play button on my controller won’t fix it right away. I think it could have something to do with shift getting stuck on or something like that.
I am on a DDJ-flx4, on a MacBook Pro, what type of controller are you using?

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I’m using a Rane One and it would happen frequently before but haven’t had it since, I also recently upgrade to a iPad Air 5th gen but haven’t had the issue happen yet.
I’m doing a 5hr gig on Saturday night so will test it out then

i was on a Mixon 8 which had jog-tracking issues and occasionally one deck stopped.
The Mixon 8 was returned to the store and now i’m on an Allen&Heath Xone PX5 and a pair of Dennons LC6000. this works really well with Djay Pro (so far)

first i thought suddenly stopping decks only occurred on Mixon 8, but now i read on this forum there’s also stopping decks on other controllers across DDJ-flx4, Mixon 8, Mixtour and Denon LC6000.
This scares me :flushed:

with this new gear i got, i’m testing stuff extensively to see if this can happen to my gear (using DjayPro) i did have one issue stopping the music while using Djay, but that was caused by a system-notification on my ipad regarding there was something wrong with my apple-id. after sorting the apple-id thingy (had to re-authenticate) there ware no stopping decks anymore. but reading other stories about stopping decks across different brands with Djay really scares me. i will do anything to prevent that.

So just an update,
Played a 6hr gig last night and it ran flawlessly and without a hitch…

Rane One,
iPad Air 5th Gen,
Djay 5.0.4.

Still followed the same routine before any gig,
Hard reset on the iPad,
Shut all apps besides Djay,
Run Do Not Disturb.
Wifi on via my phone Hotspot for Tidal (which I only used for one track)

I think since upgrading to the iPad Air 5th Gen, that has been the cure to my crashing


Thanx for letting us know you had no issues @maurizio_T

I’m curious what usb-devices you use. Do you have an original apple camera usb3 adapter or a cheap knock off? Any usb/lightning extension cords. What poweradapter, usb-hub etc.

I have a 2017 ipad pro 10.5" which has lightning usb socket. Because i dont want the weight of the usb adapter with the tiny cord, hangin on the lightningport of the ipad, i use a lightning extention cord between the camara-adapter and the iPad.

I have tested this setup for several hours without issues in the djay app, but i noticed the batterycharge level goes up and down all the time.

Meaning it is using more power than it can charge at the same time. The usb3 adapter is powered, the usb-hub is powered
It looks like there is some voltage-loss in the lightning extention cord. I’ m worried the ipad will run out of battery at some point anyway.

When you dj, you should not be worring about battery levels etc but focusing on your mixing in stead

Please tell me your setup😇

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Thanks for the update @maurizio_T. That’s great to hear!


With the iPad Air gen 5, it has a usb c port so l use a USB hub and use a usb c charger,
Previously with my IPad 9th Gen thst had lightning port, I used the genuine Apple camera to usb adapter but still used a USB C charger with a USB C to lightning cable and never experienced any charging issues,
Also not experiencing any charging issues with the current setup either

I believe the new djay versions 5.0 and up are probably using a bit more processing power and my 9th Gen iPad may have struggled but looks like the iPad Air 5th gen with its M1 chip is handling it better


thanx @maurizio_T
i tested some more with my setup, without the lightning extention-cord, with the camera to usb3 adapter straight into the ipad. now it charges up to 100% while playing.

i even tried the same with a cheap knockoff camera to usb-adapter, same result, charges up to 100% while playing.

so, the lightning extentioncord was the charging issue after all. i’m still worried about the lightning-port of my ipad to be worn out over time, having the weight of the camera-adapter+ powercord+usbhub hanging on that single lightningport. The ipad is on a stand above my mixer.

it came to mind that this lightningport on the ipad has become a single point of failure. if something happens to that connector for whatever reason, your show is over :face_with_peeking_eye:

maby i will have to get a 2nd stand next to the ipad just to ease off the weight of the camera-adapter. :thinking:

Hi @PascalRidder,

  1. I highly recommend that you avoid 3rd party Lightning accessories. I’ve used many in the past and reliability was an issue on several of them. You might get lucky, but it’s not worth the risk in a live gig situation if you ask me.
  2. Also, I understand your concern with having the USB hub hanging off the Lightning socket. My solution, was to attach the USB Hub to the back of my iPad case with Velcro so that it’s not hanging off the connector.
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that velcro thingy is a wonderful idea! :heart_eyes:
but still that (already short) cord has to make a very sharp bend :thinking:

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I’m not really affected by the weight issues with the cord as I use my iPad in Vertical mode and the cable plugs in from the bottom and the usb hub sits on the bottom of my controller flight case so there is no weight issues with that.


Nice. Vertical, didn’t think of that!

Im planning to buy a 3d printer and make my own perfect stand :grin::+1:

My first transfer from vinyl djaying to electronic djaying was with a Numark idj Pro controller where the iPad slid into the actual controller and. Was vertically mounted so I guess I just got used to it in that format,
Also the Waveforms are left for the left deck and right for the right deck as opposed to the waveforms being on top of each other.

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Last 2 events I used the latest version of DJay. Did not yet update my ipad to the latest version.
I had my iPad restarted before the gig and made sure it was not running any other programms.

All worked nicely. No hickups and no issues. Thx