@Anders thanks for chiming in! i know about the discount and i find the offer generous. but i think a little more longterm than that. so this really does not help.
i wonder now if djay for macos will go the same way and for how long you plan to support (update) the previous ios apps (v2). this will help me to make better long term decisions. thanks again, kai
the one point i can really follow from your websites explanation is, that you can roll out bigger features whenever you want instead of waiting for the next big (yearly) release. i still would prefer so much a one time fee. the app store has the option to put the new app on sale for a few first weeks. that was a fine solution. or you could have send discount coupons for existing customers. maybe you reconsider?
i am just not using djay often enough that this subscription would make sense. whoever uses it a lot or even makes a living with it surely pays gladly 5$ a month.
wow. great and detailed input and constructiveness here! i hope algoriddim makes the best of it! i sadly do not have the time right now to chime in more. pre-xmas-stress…
yes. a roadmap and general view of the future of the dj apps (macOS and iOS) would be nice! i started looking for alternatives already but i hope they will come around soon and stick with their user base.
hi anders, thanks for your reply! but i really will not ever go into a subscription model. i have my reasons, sorry about that. i really hope i will be able to use and redownload the v2 apps for a long time!
i also was wondering about the macos version of djpro. will it go the same way (subscription based)?
thanks again! kai
hi there, what are your plans for djay for macos? also subscription? thanks! kai
thanks lukas for your reply i was waiting for a long time for!
i know that it is right now only for ios. but what are your plans for the macos version? also subscription??? thanks. kai
hi there,
are you planning to offer a non-subscription version after so much negativ feedback regarding the new subscription version of dj pro? i really hope so, since i am still not even testing the new version because i do not want to chain myself to a subscription.
thanks a lot! kai
hi lukas, i know that of course. i need some of the functionality only the subscription offers. so i have no choice here.
i also gather from your comment that you do not see the need to change that subscription system back to the privious one where i could just pay a one time fee for 1 or 2 years. right?
i am really sad about this development. thanks for your replies! kai
hi lukas,
any news about your thoughts of changing the subscription plan system? also regarding the macos version of djay?
thanks a lot! kai
Congrats on the new update it seems promising and I’ll probably update in a near future.
Some requests:
Please add a noise/white noise FX. Personally I think it adds excitement and a lot of controllers have this in their hardware but not my Mixxon 4.
In The new update I can’t get Beatwobbler to work.
On iPad I need visual confirmation on which 3 FXs I have available/to switch between on my controller and not just 2.
Could We have loop saving also in preparation/single mode?
Also important for me to finally make a switch to this latest release:
Since you’ve added sequencer I’d really like the possibility to quantize human recordings of songs like Abletons warp function.
I can’t add a house kick in a live remix to a rare folclore song that f ex. doesn’t aline to the beat grid.
Some ideas. Maybe they’re already there but I haven’t discovered them in settings or menus. Any help appreciated!
Great work, guys and Thanks!
Does Spotify work without internet connection?
Mixon 4 is not working correctly can’t scratch with the platers and I can’t backspin while a track is playing
The Mixon 4 cue loops are not working it’s incorrxtly mapped
Not compatible
My biggest gripe so far is that the playlist takes up 50% of the lower screen making vertical waveforms completely unusable in two deck mode.
Whilst in “mixer mode” the controls are MASSIVE. Far bigger than required.
The Playlist should be hidden or only take up maybe 25% of the screen until called on.
Played tracks should be highlighted or dimmed in the playlist simples.
Honestly I don’t know who designed the interface, but they sure as hell were not working DJ’s and it sure as hell is not as polished as DJ pro.
The only “feature” that was really “needed” to make Djay Pro Awesome was a decent midi mapper (thank you).
I’m not too pissed at the subscription pricing, but I sure as hell wish that the extra cash wasn’t going into fixing stuff that you screwed up with the update.
Please add some menu items that allow me to
A) Hide the playlist when not in use or minimize it to around 25% of lower screen.
B) Enlarge the Strip Search area.
C) Change font sizes - my eyes are not that bad.
D) Dim already played tracks
If there is some way of already doing the above that I’m missing ?
OK, I love being proved wrong (for the second time this week).
I had thought classic mode was ONLY the “vinyl” display and had not discovered the waveform view.
I still think the playlist should be only 25% of the screen until called upon in 2 deck mode.
The “tick” mark on already played is ok, but highlights / low lighting already played tracks would be better.
It is however a real shame that playlist does not have the full screen option like before.
Anyhoo, basically classic waveform mode is close enough to what I liked in the old Djay Pro.
I’m not too peeved anymore at the price update. Regardless of shortfalls its still better looking and plays nicer than the iOS (and most desktop) competition by a country mile.
So apologies to the devs, I hope you didn’t take too much offense at the rant before - had a bad week.
So, after a little more playing around in landscape classic mode / 4 deck mode only on both phone and tablet.
The regular 2 deck mode is a complete mess IMHO due to the playlist taking up half of the screen and the vertical waveforms being completely useless.
Vertical Waveforms with hot cues would make far more sense.
Across all platforms we really need some easy way to tell already played music, not just a tick with the same color as the rest of the playlist.
Across all versions the playlist IMHO should go full screen when called on as with the phone version in ALL modes.
Anyhow so far I’ve come up with:
iPad Classic Mode:
The Bad:
Playlist only opens as a dropdown, no option to go fullscreen anymore
The Good:
Generally nothing else stands out that I’m lacking.
iPad 4 deck mode:
The Bad
No Visible Keykock or Tempo Sliders:
No Full Screen Playlist once again.
Best implementation of the interface with decent size waveforms but I only use 2 decks generally.
*Once I found that Keylock is buried inside the BPM menu, navigation was a breeze.
iPhone 2 deck mode
The Bad:
The vertical waveforms are fat and wide. IMHO This real estate would be far better utilized for instant Cue Points and display a few bars more of music.
Strip search: Far too small
Keylock / Key: Far too small and almost impossible to hit without also hitting the strip
Please grey out already played music.
The Good:
Playlists display full screen when called on
iPhone 4 Deck mode
The best implementation as with the iPad and if I played with 4 decks I would use it over other modes.
Always visible controls needed (all versions)
I use a controller, so the VISIBLE mixer/effects section goes largely unused by me. However there are a few controls that NEED to be visible at all times.
I should not need hit buttons to monitor my Gain or FX mode to check what is engaged. In fact, I should not need to touch my tablet whilst playing at all!
So please display at all times:
- A VU meter on all channels (beside waveform)
- Selected Effects displayed (or maybe a dropdown to kill 2 birds)
Appreciate it.
Can someone please screenshot me where the “analyze songs” button went? I got an email stating ‘You can find the ‘analyze songs’ button in the three-dot menu next to the number of songs at the top of the main browser window.” But I don’t see what he was talking about at all.