I have been preparing hundreds of songs and some hot cues do not appear after restarting the app, sometimes they do not show or show a different one.
To reproduce just open Djay pro, load a song, edit hot cues, then close program and re open again load the same song and sometimes hot cues are not there.
Hi @Nicolas_Badilla, thanks for the details about your setup and the issue.
Are you using a streaming service? If so which one(s)?
If you are using Local Music, what file type are you using and are the songs stored on your internal drive or an external one?
Can you please try to capture a video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!
1- Im only using local music, from my laptop and nowhere else, I have not used any pendrives or anything since I use the reloop mixon 8 pro
2- I had a video or “thought” I had a video but djay pro does not allow screen recording so it did not record. Im going to give it a try with phone. but basically what I described
Thanks @Nicolas_Badilla. Have you noticed if the issue happens with both the MP3 and WAV files? What software did your friend use to add the previous cue points? Please try to capture and share a video of this issue. Thanks!
Song in the video is MP3 it happens only with some of them.
The songs were used in SERATO DJ software.
Here is video footage from my phone (watch completely please):
As you can see I place new hot cues for that song and then when restarting the app the hot cues I just added do not show.
Thanks for the video and additional details @Nicolas_Badilla. I’ve shared this with our engineering team to see if they can replicate the issue. In the meantime, on your laptop can you please navigate to Music>djay>djay Media Library and upload the files in this folder to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the them here or in a DM? Thanks!
Reinstalled the app, and the problem persists, now it is a bit different, the hot cues do not show, but after you press play/pause a few times they suddenly reappear.
I uploaded the song from the video also in case there is something wrong with the file.
Thank you, Id like to stay with Djay pro but Im gonna have to switch to serato meanwhile, Is there a way to import hot cues from serato to Djay, after fixes are made like the one we are discussing here, or the fact that after loading a song library resets to the top?