How do I edit downbeat in multiple places in one track in DJay Pro?

This question was apparently ‘solved’ in dec’ 2023, but I can’t see how to do it. Can someone please explain?

DJay Pro 5 now has Fluid Beatgrid™ that automatically detects and follows changes in tempo etc.

This should work fine without intervention in most cases, but there are exceptions.

Assuming you’re using the latest version of DJay Pro, can you give examples of tracks where Fluid Beatgrid doesn’t work?

Yes, I have the latest version. But it doesn’t detect it. it’s weird. So how can I just edit it manually, so I have two different down beat grids at two different places in the track?

I asked you to provide examples. What is “it”? Please give details of the track or tracks, and post screen grabs of the problem area.

OK here are some screen grabs. the first screengrab shows how the downgrid (which I set) is where it should be. And on the 2nd screen grab, u can see (in another place in the same song) that where it says “kor” is where the downbeat should be, but it’s not (as you can see, it is not: the yellow downbeat-line is showing a bit later). Does it make sense?

The weird thing is that this song (which I’ve played 1000 times) had the correct downbeat throughout the entire song, but after updating the software, this problem occurred. No other songs in my setlist have done this.

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heres the 1st screen grab

heres the 2nd screen grab

Thanks for the pictures. Now we can see that the artist is Shreya Ghoshal - but what is the song?

When you provide the requested information, then the Algoriddim team can invesigate why this might be happening.

Please also note that you can set the option to use a straight grid (the old system), so you could try that.

You can also use the Anchor function as well

Hi @Neela_Menik,

With the new beat gridding system you can manually set multiple anchor points wherever you like to get the grid to fit how you want it (see screenshots below).

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