My experience with these problems was terrible.
My problem was similar to this one with the only difference that everything was normal when using the controller with Virtual DJ.
After several weeks of contacts with Reloop and Algoriddim, and plenty of messages here in the community forum, i finally quit of using the controller, asked for a return and refund and switch over to Denon. No questions asked from Thomman wich probably have already plenty of returned units in their stock. I probably use much less (or none at all) DJay Pro since it doesn’t support the SC Live 4…
Anyway, it’s a peaty that this problem wasn’t solved because I liked a lot the Reloop controller and I think DJay Pro is clearly one of the best DJ apps on the market, especially by its support on iPad, the excelent dynamic grid and the stems.
Reloop and Algoridim are shooting themselves in the foot not solving the terrible problems in this hardware / software bundle wich, in my opinion, had everything to be very successful.
But this is a very very huge problem, namely for anyone wich is a little more than a bedroom DJ.
And for a company that, in my opinion, have a very good software in its hands, a major drawback in its path to eventually compete with Rekordbox, Serato and Virtual DJ.
Just agreed with Reloop that I return my device, since there are no shortterm solution. Their product development is working on the problem but it does not makes sense to replace the unit with another one have the same issue.
It’s an awfull situation since the mixon 8 pro is the perfect controller for Djay pro. The alternative will now be Rane 4 or FLX10, crossing fingers that Algoriddim will support these controllers in the future. Fallback will be Serato.
Can only concur with MrBig1964 and unless this behaviour changes it will be the beginning of the end for both products (history tells) which is a shame.
@algoriddim make a great 5.2 release and publish a roadmap for the next year, ofcause you have secrets which you wan’t to disclose for your competitors but an example could be support for controllers which just would attract more customers.
Forgot to say, but rather obvious, that if my controller doesn’t get full support by DJay, I will stop my annual subscription…
Support for as much controllers as possible, is obviously one of the most important features that a software like this should have. It is a clear bet from Virtual DJ, for example, which has great controller support for many many controllers, including writen manuals for using them with Virtual DJ. And their support for controllers is rather extensive, namely making use of the controller screens in the case of Denon SC Live 4 or the Prime 4, just to mention 2 pieces of hardware from Denon. This is something that DJay is completely unable to do…
I’m not complaining against Algoriddim, which is a good company and have a great product. I’m just giving my opinion, from a customer perspective, of the weak areas that DJay should improve.
Before all the problems I had with the pair Mixon 8 / DJay, I used to have an FLX6 controller I was very please with the software. And notice, I passed thru Traktor, Rekordbox, Serato and Virtual DJ, so I know rather well each of their strongs and weaknesses.
Algoriddim should spend more resources on bringing DJay compatible with more controllers, and less making gimmics like DJay for Vision Pro…
New official firmware on Reloop website for Mixon 8 5339. My Mixon 8 gone back to retailer today, was 2nd one actually. Maybe this new firmware would have solved the grounding issue. Anyways I’m looking for something else now.
Just dropping in to share my experience with the Reloop Mixon 8 Pro controller. Unfortunately, I’ve been able to conclude it has a severe design flaw with the jogwheels, which is a widespread hardware issue that remains unacknowledged by the manufacturer, to my knowledge.
To be clear, this is a hardware issue with the controller and not related to the software. In both Djay Pro and Serato DJ Pro, I’ve encountered playback stopping abruptly as if the jogwheel was being held down, identical to the issues shown in the videos posted earlier in this thread. This problem has occurred almost every time I’ve used the controller, even during live gigs, forcing me to instant double the halted deck to the other side to resume playback. This is completely unacceptable and undermines any trust in both the controller and the brand.
When I contacted support, they provided a newer firmware that failed to resolve the issue. Their only further response was to request additional videos of the problem, despite my having already sent two. They then suggested I contact American Music & Sound, their US distributor, who also offered nothing more than an RMA.
I have since returned the faulty unit to Amazon and declined replacements after extensive research revealed widespread issues with even replacement units, as corroborated by feedback in this thread. This is quite unfortunate because I really wanted to like this controller. It checks many boxes for me, including full native Djay Pro support, mobile compatibility with an iPad stand, in-jog displays, and FX paddles. However, its critical flaw has ultimately led me to lose faith in this product and the brand. I’m looking at alternatives.
This controller should be removed from the list of Djay-compatible hardware until this issue is acknowledged and resolved.
It’s really a fun unit when you have a working 1. Just remember not to touch the jogs for the first minute or so whilst they are being calibrated after switching it on too
Ok so I too have the mixon 8 and have had this issue and read through forum. Tried troubleshooting and my anecdotal sense is as @noah suggested; the touch sensor of the jogwheel appears uniquely sensitive and thinks it is being touched/held down when it’s not.
I noticed a bit a dust/dead skin or whatever stuck in the little space that perimeters the jog wheel center display and used a sewing needle to gently clean that area up and also gave the whole jog a light clean with a moist cloth and that dramatically improved the responsiveness and made this issue decrease.
Maybe it’s just dust or static or dirt from hands that causes problem. I might experiment with puting clear tape on the touch sensor portion or something to see if that can help mitigate or to change responsiveness settng in midi. Will see
I believe it’s not Reloop in my case. I think at least with mine it’s Algoriddim and iOS. For example I had a track freeze and on the infamous left side or deck if you prefer. I went to the screen on my iPad mini 7 and there was no response from touch at all. The freeze was not the controller, it was the software. I touched the screen in several different areas while frozen and no response at all from any where on the screen. It was not until I spun my library button that the freeze thawed and everything started again.
Although inconvenient it was also somewhat of a relief as my Mixon 8 is only 1 week old with the latest firmware. No problems with Serato or Algoriddim on Windows at all. I have a MacBook Air arriving soon and will test that but so far only issue is with iOS.
Hi @smurphy, welcome to the Community! Please do not create new topics for the same thing. This makes it more challenging to track and to keep discussions organized. I have moved your new one to this existing discussion.
Regarding your question, if memory serves me correct, this was a hardware issue. Most users seem to have resolved their issues by returning it for repair or replacement. You may also want to check out this discussion for a possible temporary solution/workaround. I hope that helps!