Jogwheels Reloop Mixon 8 pro not tracking properly

I personally purchased a Mixon 8 right when it launched. Perhaps I’m one of the lucky ones, but other than the initial firmware issue, mine has been perfect.

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Also a mixon 8 user.
Only issue so far the play botton sometimes do not start the track. But have not managed to find the cause or pattern.


That seems like a pretty big issue for a dj!

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Agree, why I only use the mixon @ home

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Shame that is. Such a good controller that works really well with djay pro. It took such a long time to be released into stores. Something overall has gone wrong with their quality control with this unit. There are plenty with no issues but lots with issues.


I had a good look at the video’s, this is exactly the issue I have with my generic midi controller. Looks like a midi / software timing issue. I made two tickets for it already some time ago.

To Mixon 8 users, can you find what mapping is used? ‘scratch without touch detection’ or ‘scratch’? If it is the first, map it to the latter, maybe less problems, unfortunately also less functionality. Would be interesting to know if this is the case, since this might be the key to a solution.

Edit: Removed an outing of frustration. :sunglasses:

Edit: Here it was shown it is ‘scratch’. Anyway, it still looks like an ordinary timing issue that is easy to solve if companies work together … :slight_smile:

Most be sonething with the midi timings and combination of hardware.

I have absolutely no issues when using the mixon 8 with my windows installed intel nuc.

But I bought a macbook to get access to all djay features…

I have created a ticket at reloop but the solution likely requires some joint efforts from Algoriddim and reloop


Yo, thanks for reply!
I did open a ticket and uploaded some vid for the team to see what happens with me.
I suppose they are trying to resolve it with some FW updates, atleast following one thread from props mcfly in FB… Hopefully someone finds solution for this.
Then there wouldnt be the hassle between sending old and waiting for new one ^^

You’re welcome @Lex_Willer. Thanks for the follow up. Please share any news that you get here for other users to read. Thanks!

I have more or less the same problem that’s in the video.
I notice 3 things:

  • I was unable to reproduce the problem when using DJay Pro for MacOS. It only occurs using DJay Pro for iOS (using an iPad Air 5th Gen).
  • The situation apparently disappears if I disable the Vinyl option on the Mixon 8 (using the buttons SHIFT + SLIP/VINYL).
  • When using VirtualDJ (for which I have a full licence), the problem doesn’t shows.

I think it is a software problem, eventually with the Mixon 8 configuration on DJay Pro and not an hardware problem. Or something to do with the combination hardware / firmware / software.
I already sent a request for help both to Algoriddim and Reloop.
I think they should try together to seek a solution to the situation that’s affecting many people.

Thanks for the detailed information @MrBig1964. I’ve forwarded this to the engineering team for further review.

This exactly corresponds with my similar issues on the midi fighter twister.
I hope Algo developers step over their shadow and start looking what is going on.

Reloop requested my to test firmware 5339.
I will be testing over the weekend but I have not managed to provoke any errors this evening with the new firmware loaded to the deck.


I have firmware 5339 in my Mixon 8 controller. It is the firmware version that came with my controller.
All the problems I mentioned earlier have occurred with firmware 5339.
Didn’t make the test with previous 5039 firmware which is the current firmware available on Reloop’s website.
I notice this different versions on my controller and in the website and alert Reloop for the case. They told me to use 5339 and that they would update the website but, until now, 5039 is still the latest version available on the website.

Very odd indeed. My Mixon 8 is still at repair 6 weeks now. Very bad service indeed. I’ve put a complaint in. I think repair centre is waiting for Reloop to update the firmware. Don’t think I’ll be getting another Mixon 8 after this experience. Hope yours works out.

I think it can be a mix of software and firmware issues, not an hardware situation.
My Mixon 8 runs perfectly with Virtual DJ, for instance (I have a VJ Pro license).
I would rather prefer to use DJay Pro, anyway, due to the extensive support of both MacOS and iOS, namely the later which is perfect for DJaying in the move.
Algoriddim and Reloop must colaborate closely to solve this situation ASAP as it could ruin the image of both on the prosumer market.

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Mine is hardware I have just been told. Waiting for jog wheel replacement. Plenty of other users though experiencing what you’re describing.

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Little information from my case.
I got newer firmware 5339, but it wont help with platter freeze.
We tested my platters and they have connection issues… the platter believes that you have finger on it, even when tou dont touch it, thats why music freezes.

With this knowledge, it doesnt have anything to do with software, and im happy to know it.
Trust fot Djay Pro is 100% but for m8 pro, its pretty low at the moment.

I have been told to get my mixon to service, its 3 months old now, so we will see if i can send it back and swap it to different device.
If im eligible to refund i try to get FLX10, and will be waiting upcoming support for it :fire:

I cant wait 2 months to get it back, theres tons of gigs to play!

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I feel your pain. Mines been at service centre 7 weeks. I returned through Bop Dj and have put a complaint in. Im waiting to see what integrations come down the line. Although I am tempted to get Rane one.

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Yeah, i will ask from my seller that is it possible to change to a different product with some cash in it… Tomorrow will be smarter :fire: