Make "Harmonic Key" matches more visible like in VDJ, Rekordbox or Traktor

Thanks for the new features. Especially the new crossfader options are great, but there’s one wish on my list, that would make it even better. Virtual Dj and also Rekordbox offer a function where you can easily see which songs in a playlist are absolutely in the same key or close to it, without sorting them by key. In VDJ all compatible songs have a bright white hook and the ones which are close to the key of the playing track are less bright. This makes it possible to sort them by BPM and still see at first glance which ones are in key. In Rekordbox all compatible songs are green

Hi @Andreas_Haase1,

  1. Have you tried enabling Show Keys in Different Colors? This gives you a quick visual reference based on color.
  2. Also, if you are putting your music in the My Collection source you can do Advanced Filtering. I often use the Key Filter along with column sorting by BPM. You can also have multiple filters and quickly turn them on/off.

I know and I use these settings but it’s still not the same as in VDJ or Rekordbox. Their solution lets you find compatible tracks much quicker without the need of filters to switch on and off.


I understand. @Andreas_Haase1 can you please provide some screen shots of this feature from VDJ and Rekordbox so I can share your suggestion with the dev team? Thanks.

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Rekordbox shows all compatible tracks in green.
In VDJ you can also choose a colour and show the complete track information in yellow for example (like me) for all songs that have the same key or a key which is close. VDJ shows these little hooks next to the key. A bright one means it’s perfect in key, a less bright one is close and will still sound good


Great. Thanks for sharing!

The same goes for Traktor. They also have this implemented in that way.
Would like to have that also in djay. You have my vote for this!

This is how it is in Traktor done. The tracks that are not in matching key (Like 1d, 2m, 3d, 7m in this example) do stay grey. Of course you still have to mind the BPM difference yourself.

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I know Traktor also offers this mixing in key aid and I really would love to see something similar in Djay Pro 5. I’m a fan of Djay Pro since the very beginning but recently I used VDJ at my gigs, because they offer some really great features, which are especially helpful for mobile DJs like me. So let’s hope they will add this feature soon

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Thanks again for the suggestion and screen shots @Andreas_Haase1. I have shared this with the dev team for consideration.


Thanks for suggesting this… I use virtual dj its so quick to let you know whats compatible… I think it is the best in the market for now… The convenience is amazing. I was just about to suggest but u’ve helped a lot. Please add this :pray::pray::pray:


Thanks @PRO24DJS !!
Is there anything to say when (approximately) a new update/version of Algoriddim DJ will be released @Slak_Jaw (with or without this feature)?

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, in general, Algoriddim does not provide timelines for any updates or releases.

Hey @Slak_Jaw,

I understand, and I’m aware that it’s beyond your control, but unfortunately, the fact that Algoriddim does not provide timelines for any updates or releases is somewhat (indeed, significantly) discouraging for us as enthusiastic users who are eager to suggest new ideas for improving the product.

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Test, test…
So we can replay again and this suggestion is re-opened?

I’m happy, but how come?

Great idea. All 3 other platforms provide a visual aid to pick compatible keys. Related tracks area is good but since it looks at the entire collection it’ll suggest a 70s track to mix with some dubstep lol

Adding a visual aid an/or limited related tracks to current playlist would be a big win.

This kind of goes alongside another suggestion I’ve seen asking to allow us to restrict the related tracks area to a specific playlist or some other filter choice.


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Please vote on that other thread I made for the related tracks being limited to current playlist only. It’s a huge limitation the way it’s set up currently. I don’t want it suggesting dubstep when i’m playing a 70s track.

Don’t worry - I already did!