New Reloop Mixtour Pro Hardware

From Laidback Luke: Tempo change will be loop in out + and sync - work in progress and might change this.

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Looks like pricing will be more even across countries. On Sweetwater they listed the Mixtour Pro at the MSRP of US$500.

Previously, there was a wide gap between Germany and the USA. When I bought my original Mixtour, it was selling for US$299 in the USA (and those stupid iOS cables were US$80). Luckily I made a trip through Germany and bought it on sale for EUR179 (geez those were the days and they werenā€™t that long ago). Oddly enough I picked up the iOS cables in the Japan for the equivalent of US$20 - go figure.

After COVID, feels like everything went up by US$100.


Laidback Luke press conference NAMM


10 minute demo.


Saw this yesterday. Two absolute legends!

The controller is now listed here in some stores for 449 ā‚¬ (approx. 488 US$). And yes, nothing has gotten cheaper since Covid, and I think the price for the Mixtour Pro is quite high. But I also think that the price will change once the device is available.

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Letā€™s hope it comes out quicker than Mixon 8. :sunglasses:


Availability is specified as June 7 of this year.


ā‚¬449 / Ā£399 according to Reloop Mixtour Pro: an updated take on Reloop's super-slim mixer packs as many controls as possible - DJ TechTools

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That would be great because June 7th happens to be my birthday. :slight_smile:
Where did you see this date being mentioned?


After looking again, there still seems to be different information on the date. First I saw the offer at Elevator, Gear4music says July 16th, Amazon indicates delivery by the end of July.
Perhaps itā€™s a good idea at the moment to agree on ā€œsummer 2024ā€ as the date of availability :wink:


This explains why the Mixtour was showing as ā€˜discontinuedā€™ the other week at least.

Elevator and Reloop are both brands from the same company under the same address (see imprints: Elevator, Reloop) so I would guess that they have a close connection - if Elevator says June 7th, I would be tempted to believe them.

Iā€™m a minimal person at heart. Even if I have a Reloop RMX90 and RP8000mk2 setup.
But I always look around for a minimal setup that is portable.

Bought Hercules Starlight, really like it but too much compromises cross the board.
Bought Traktor Z1 and X1mk2, really love that setup, but I just canā€™t fall in love with Traktor Pro and I donā€™t like having two units that is dependent on each other, even if they are both small.

Never gave Reloop Mixtour (Original) a second thought, Iā€™m not an Apple guy and mixing on a tablet and phone is not my kind of ride (too much sausage fingers).

Just a month ago I saw that Algoriddim support Windows as well (Dunno how I missed that).
So been fooling around with it and I really love the minimal layout and there is functions that I miss, but no dealbreakers.

So now with the Reloop Mixtour Pro checking all my boxes, for 449 euroā€¦ Honestly, Iā€™m O.K with that price point. If it was above 500 euro, that would make me hesitate.

So Iā€™m hyped, getting one as soon as it becomes available.


Happy to see this coming. I sometimes find myself playing ad-hoc sets on festivals and parties with the Mixtour and the Audio Quality on the original is indeed lacking. The extra controls are most welcome.

The extra height of the unit will make it incompatible with the old compact case ā€¦ pitty from one side, and yet the extra compartments on the new case seem useful to me. Hope it can still fit my backpack.

And like @Slak_Jaw, I would also love to see a Ready Pro with a better quality DAC and more premium feel in a small(-ish) form-factor.

The new Mixtour Pro is most welcome for me. I will likely get one.


I like the Nuralmix button on mixtour pro. Is it possible to do that on Mixon 8 pro.

Apparently the device has no space left on the inside. Maybe the next versionā€¦

Professional audio outputs are nice, but not crucial for me. If Iā€™m at a festival or in a club with a controller like this, I can simply use the mixer available there; if Iā€™m on the road as a mobile DJ, I work with an external mixer anyway, which offers the corresponding connections as well as other advantages.


This controller makes sense for iOS devices (touch jog wheels), is missing usb host port (or two) and current price in Canada is insane,not even equivalent to US $.

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