Pioneer DDJ-SX2 MIDI Mapping

Can’t wait. I have been checking back every day since this comment was posted.

Amazing! Do the LED’s work?

They are working for me.

I have an sx2 and the channel leds work for me.

I just started using djay pro with sx2. I’ve just about got everything mapped and working. Everything works so far but leds but im not worried about that. I can see line levels in program.

Its not that hard to map. I have jog wheels working like normal too. I cannot believe nobody has taken the time to get a working midi map file. The mapping software is one of the easiest ive seen

I will once I get complete. You have to adjust jog wheel settings on advanced tab. I have sensitivity at 20/25% and response at 100%

Ill have two decks for sure this week and 4 soon to follow. Im getting ready fot my new gig this Friday.

Working on it. Im a retail manager so not a lot of time except in Sundays to map. I got 4/8 hotcues working so far… its a little tricky but ill figure it out

I used top 4 to set, bottom 4 to trigger, and shift button to erase

Patients my friends. Ive been using demo. Just bought program. I tested last night. Making a few changes then ill share

Ive got a mapping for deck 1 & 2 only. I will work on it more later but for now I have tested it 2 nights strong. If you want to know everything mapped just open configuration file and test while edit window is up. I will try to have a detailed description later. In the meantime. If you want the file pm me your email and i’ll shoot it to you via dropbox or tell me how to add on here

btw, everything works but the led’s…including precueing in headphones

DROPBOX LINK for midi file below.…

i added drop box link below…

Pretty sure you just open file directly

Hmmm… I just opened it and djay pops a box up asking if you want to use midi file or not

Has to be connected and powered up to work

I have fx setup with shift option. Parameter adjustments without shift and dry/wet setup with shift. 3 options only, other beat knob won’t map right

Cue section:
Set cues 1-8 using shift
Trigger cues without shift

  • be careful with this one bc it doesnt lock in cues. You can easily overwrite other setcues by simply setting a new cue with shift option
  • also doesnt set cues in time order
  • I didnt map delete cue option bc of overwrite option and wanted access to 8 cues

Loop rolls:
Works normal

Works normal but hard without leds… trigger slicer mode by pushing slicer button.

This one is tricky bc one more works like hotcues and other mode continues to play song in regular time

6/8 pads work like normal… other two pads left unassigned

Toggle sampler mode by pressing sampler button

All channel 1/2 controls work as labeled but no leds

  • you will have to adjust by looking at output levels on screen
  • master level output does have leds
  • headphone cues work as intended but doesn’t light up. Confirm by looking at screen
  • master/cue in headphones work like normal

Platters and drag works like normal
Censor option works like normal
Keylock works like normal
Pitch slider works like normal

Track scroll works but you have to scroll from beginning to end or vise versa

Auto loop options work like normal but havent set shift controls yet

Scrolls playlist/tracks like normal
Load track is normal
Eject track using shift
Playlist focus left button under browse knob
Track focus right button under browse knob
Push browse knob expands playlist so you can see more songs

You have to make sure its engaged in program. … (green headphones)… headphone cue works like it normally would without the lights.

It takes getting used to using everything without controller lighting up