Sampler Gain for each slot

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Please add a gain volume to each gain slot so I can control the volume of my samples like in Serato and Rekordbox

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Thanks for the suggestion @Mac_Joseph. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. Please use the blue Vote button a the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this.


Thank you! Us DJs will truly appreciate it

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You’re welcome @Mac_Joseph

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Please add gain to the sampler pads!!! Similar to Serato and traktor​:pray:t4::pray:t4:

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Hi @Mac_Joseph, I’ve merged your new topic with the previous one that you made. In the future, if a topic has been closed due to inactivity, you can send me a DM and request that I reopen it instead of creating a new topic. This helps us track the suggestion properly and to keep things organized. Thanks!

And while you’re at it … Individual play modes (stutter, hold, etc) for each sample would be on par with the standard defaults of other platforms. Not just to stay competitive but another step in the direction of total annihilation.

Potential devoted user


Thanks for the additional suggestion @Labrev_Nameci

Please Update your sampler ASAP you may think its small but its very important for DJ’s to have a sufficient sampler!! gain and trigger is very very important to DJ’s!! Thank you!!

Thanks for the additional feedback @Mac_Joseph. I’ve passed this onto the dev team.

Thank you!!! We need this ASAP!!

You’re welcome @Mac_Joseph