Show Neural Mix Pro some love !

Dear community,

This post to show some love for Neural Mix pro. I think that piece of software has potential to become the best preparation & sampling software in the world :wink: :rocket::rocket::rocket:
see also this post (

It can separate voices, create tracks, chop samples … and surely can do a lot more.

would be so great to see some improvement in Neural Mix Pro to at least be able to prepare our own Sample packs and Looper packs ! ==> especially prepare multiple loops and samples in the software before assembling into packs would be really great ! … and maybe integrate with the saved loops in Algoriddim ?!

:pray:t2: Please integrate the effects from DJay Pro so we can create wet samples as well

:pray:t2: Please make it sure we can use these packs standard on other setups as well with standard audio formats please (so not only DJay pro) would be really great !

:pray:t2: Please create a tag or section for Neural Mix Pro (@algoriddim) on this community so we can followup on development with Neural mix pro specifically

It could also assemble all into Remix decks or “Remix packs” that we could then load on DJay Pro

@NathanielAlgo @Emily

to the community : please like this comment if you agree Neural mix pro has the potential :pray:t2: :rainbow:


the functionality in djay is interesting/fun, but I can see how as a standalone app it could be wonderfully powerful.
I’d like to dig deeper into it’s capabilities. In my music recording days (live musicians playing instruments), I used Melodyne by celemony, and it was MUCH more than autotune; is NeuralMix headed in the same direction? the promo youtube video teaser i feel glosses over things…


100% agree with DJ_Lion - great suggestions! The potential for remixing tracks is huge - it needs some love!

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Hi @DJ_Lion,

Thank you for this post!

These are all great suggestions, especially the idea of creating a dedicated community channel for Neural Mix Pro!

I will be happy to pass these ideas along to our team, and I look forward to following up with great news sooner rather than later!

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You are 100% right. Essential for creating your own files for acapellas, instrumentals, and producing. Serato Studio is possibly heading in this direction. Lead, don’t follow.

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