Some Apple Music songs not loading

What I can’t understand:
In Apple-Music I have the option to download tracks instead of online streaming and can play them when I am offline.

So, why isn’t djay-App able to use the downloaded songs instead of going online streaming?

With downloaded tracks from purchased albums djay-app was always able to play them in offline mode :thinking:

I think the confusion is the impression that Djay pulls the files locally and I can see why that would seem likely however that is not the case. Apples local files use a drm encryption that they wouldn’t share with a third party and using the local files would require that to be in Djay’s hands. I’m just guessing that instead of loading or relying on apple music’s local files it instead uses a cache in Djay of files downloaded via the aforementioned api from apple. Those files likely have encryption too that is unique to Djay’s application. And it’s also likely that Apple music’s data store is sandboxed from Djay’s access.


Thanks for the story, loved reading it and I totally agree. Also started to Dj in the late 80s. Started with vinyl, then cds, then digital. I mainly did a mobile show and always made sure to have backups at hand, so for example I always got multiple extra needles. When moving to digital, I always kept my cd players at hand with a couple of compiled cds. With the cds I could always finish the set even if my computer died.
Over the long period in time I saw lots of Djs just betting on a single horse, without any backup. I saw crashing laptops during the first dance at a wedding, saw mixers and players break, amps blow up and lots of other bad stuff. Having a backup at hand will make you more confident and less stressed, but that is my opinion.
I find betting your complete business on a streaming service is just not good. There is so much in the complete chain that could break or glitch. So I have my wav collection converted from my own cd collection, with streaming services for the requests I don’t have. If that streaming service breaks, the only thing is that I could not play a couple of request, but the show could go on


Yes that could probably be the case. The files are cached by Djay locally, because when you break your network connection the song still could be played. When unloaded from the deck you can’t reload it without a network connection


Issue is if you’ve put together a playlist on your itunes that playlist can only be accessed through the playlist selections via the Djay pro app, and then the files stream and won’t load

To load the tracks manually you need to go into your file collection and individually open each track into Djay pro from it’s folder within your PC/Mac/iTunes library folders etc

A very very long winded process and not something to be done on the fly or when doing a live set for example. It really is a feature which needs resolving


I only discovered this problem this past weekend when I reconnected my DJ equipment to my MacBook after having reset it.

Fast forward to today, I was hopefully because the first 5 songs worked. Then the error came again and my DJing session was over.

Would be great if the issue gets resolved sooner than later.

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Getting the same error with imported wav files that are inputted into music on Mac then synced onto iPad. Can’t play some of them through local music or even when placed in my collection playlist

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Maybe some issues will be solved when you do this:

  1. Close Apple Music (Kill the process so it is not running in background).
  2. Open DJ Pro
  3. Select you playlist (in my case I use my collections)
  4. Select all Tracks
  5. Use analyze the tracks (some tracks may be not identified - those are the ones with 400 error)

Maybe you will be able to use some tracks which were not loadable before. Important is that Apple Music is not opened and maybe it has not been used for a while. In my case I reproduced the random load error when Apple Music was opened. After I shut this down and opened DJ pro some tracks are loadable.

In the case of a 400 “Bad Request” error, responsibility could fall on either the application developer or the provider of the API or server, depending on the specific cause of the issue:

1. Application Developer

  • Client-side errors: If the error is caused by faulty requests, such as sending invalid data, incorrect parameters, or failing to adhere to API specifications, the responsibility lies with the application developer. It is their job to ensure that the request is correctly formatted and that all necessary data is accurately transmitted.
  • Faulty application logic: Sometimes, incorrect logic within the application can also generate invalid requests. Here again, the developer would be responsible for fixing these issues.

2. API/Server Provider

  • Faulty documentation: If the provider’s API documentation is unclear or incorrect, this could lead to the application developer sending a request based on incorrect information. In this case, the provider could be partly responsible.
  • Server-side issues in processing requests: In rare cases, there might also be a problem on the server side that causes correct requests to be wrongly rejected. Here, the server or API provider would be responsible.

3. Interaction and Communication

  • Often, the root cause of the problem can be addressed through effective communication between the application developer and the API provider. It’s important for both parties to work together to diagnose and resolve the exact cause of the error.

4. User Inputs

  • If the error is triggered by user inputs, the application should be designed to validate inputs and ensure that only correct and valid data is sent. Here, the developer is responsible for implementing robust validation mechanisms.

In summary, responsibility depends on the specific nature of the error. Often, a thorough investigation is needed to determine where exactly the problem lies and how it can be resolved.

As I read it correctly this is not Version related so maybe something changed. Anyway both sides may need to review their codes or check the servers and code and perhaps an update is needed.


How about submitting it as feedback for Apple products? While you may not receive a personal response, it might allow you to directly reach out to Apple.

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This issue should be handled between Algoriddim and Apple (they know their code and infrastructure).
As far I know they are working on it. Maybe they have tried to reproduce it already.

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Thanks for all the feed back on this issue.


Hi good list when developing in integration between an application and an Api. However after development other aspects will come into play.

You could already skip some reasons like ‘Faulty documentation’, ‘Client-side errors’ and ‘faulty application. logic’. All of it worked before, then suddenly request are broken sometimes. When you try a song and it fails, after some retry it succeeds, the application will send the same request for the same song all the time. It does not ‘randomly’ create requests.

As asoftware developer myself, when theses things occur, in most cases it is time out errors, bandwidth or connection issues or api’s starting to throttle due to high load or same implemented rate limiting


Good point. I’ve considered that as well. It might also be a “Load Balancer” issue on Apple’s side.

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Quick tip to avoid my mistake if you are using Apple devices… if you want to sign up for Tidal with the DJ extension, do NOT sign up via the App Store, as the DJ extension is not available via that route. You have to go directly to the Tidal website.

If you sign up for a free trial in the App Store, even if you cancel, you have to wait until the billing period ends before signing up directly with Tidal.

That said… about 95% of my music is loading from Apple Music currently, so maybe this is a sign for me to just chill haha.


Yup me too :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Been away for a few weeks. Got home to discover this, it’s not long after I switched from Tidal, which is annoying.

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Hello everyone,

Thanks for your patience, helpful feedback and understanding. I just wanted to provide a quick update regarding Apple Music Error 400. The issue has been identified and we are currently testing a beta release to confirm that is solves the error. I’ll share more news when I have it. Thanks again!


Can you make sure you test please local music and transferring tracks to my collection. I arranged some tracks in Apple Music on Mac and synced to my iPad. I got the same error using local files also.

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Your support line should forward complaints to this list. I just found it after Googling the error, and finally got some info that your working on it. Your support line tickets just say your aware of the issue. Been fighting this all week.

Happy to beta test on Windows or iOS : )

Hi @Dysfunk_DJ, can you please confirm that you are playing these songs through the Local Music Source in djay and not the Apple Music Source? Perhaps share a quick video that I can forward to engineering? Thanks!