Using USB sound with headphones on iOS 8 issue

Maybe I should start a thread on “who is sick and tired of waiting?”

And Warren is not commenting anything?

I would be a little less angry if someone from algoriddim would step up and clarify

No update yet?

Anyone tried with the new updates?

Any updates so far?

Haizzzz no reply from them yet

Any updates yet?

Anyone can verify if the latest patch iOS is working?

What a shame, tried so fa, nothing is working… Might as well switch to Surface Pro and other DJ software

Adrian, could you start working on this issue before we get desperate

I just read the Algorithm website ad this is how they say you can monitor/playback :…

Can anyone verify if this is working?


I just got the zalman soundcard, works like magic!!!

Thanks Steve for the recommendation!

I have the same problem since “upgrading” to iOS 8.

Algoriddim has said they are looking into it. But if it’s the same in Traktor, maybe it’s not much they can do but wait for Apple to fix it :-o

Hope it’s fixed in the upcoming 8.0.1… and that it comes soon.

I have two gigs a week, where I’ve come to rely on the iPad and Djay. Would hate to start bringing the Mac again.

I was stupid enough to update to iOS 8 since Algoriddim tweeted that Djay was working great in iOS 8. I’ve been spoilt since Djay has been working so fantastically good on the iPad, so I guess I just assumed it would always do, so let my guards down :wink:

Yes, seems like it’s iOS8.
Either it’s a bug in iOS8 or Apple changed something, I guess.

Either way, Algoriddim should probably make this known to Apple and us users should probably also send feedback about it to Apple.

Damn, it will suck to have to use the Mac to DJ, the iPad version is so much more enjoyable to use. But without a possibility to cue (without having to buy new hardware) it’s not quite possible…

I missed the 8.0.1 update too.
Hope that will fix it. There seems to be quite a lot of serious bugs with iOS 8 though so a bit afraid that our little issue will have low priority :frowning:

iMic is stereo out and mono in, I think.

Also worked flawlessly in iOS 7

I was hoping 8.0.2 would fix things but situation seems to be the same here…

Any success in finding out what’s causing these issues? Bug in iOS 8 or did Apple change something?

Would be nice not having to buy new hardware when I have one that should be working flawlessly (did in iOS 7 and still does in MacOS X).

Ok! Thanks Warren!