5.2.3 crashed 2 times when searching for songs

Hear your frustration. Great work on reporting crashes and keeping Algoriddim to account on them. I agree with you there has been more than usual crashes recently. I’ve been using djay pro since 2014. More so as number one software since last year. Since multitude of new features, which are amazing, there has been more crashes and bugs bring reported. Which isn’t great. If I were Algoriddim right now I would only really focus on reliability for next release or two. Get it really stable and then look at enhancing. Just my two cents, I have no inside knowledge or anything but I know they do look at these forums to get a gist of what we’re all experiencing and feeling.

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Hello everyone. Engineering believes they have identified and fixed the issue which is currently in beta testing. I’ll report back here when I have more news. Thanks!


NOTE: Please use the search function above before posting to avoid creating duplicate topics.

  • Device model 2021 ipad M1
  • Version of operating system lastest
  • Version of djay 5.2.3latest
  • Hardware/controllers used Hercules mini mixer

I use the auto mix at the beginning of the night if quiet , last night I was in normal 2 deck screen mode but with auto mix on , when dragging and dragging and dropping new tracks ( whilst playing songs ) into the auto mix queue from tidal the app sometime crashes. This happened at least 3-4 time so gave up in the end as it was far to unstable.

Is there a way to send the crash logs ? I can’t seem to see any other reports of this bug, but certainly was there last night.

Thanks :pray:

Pretty sure this has to do with all the other crashes happening rn.
Just check this out:

Hi @Wayne_Clark, to help us troubleshoot your crash and to confirm that it is the same issue as above, please submit an Official Support Ticket using the procedure below so the engineering team can review your crash reports in more detail.

  1. Open the djay app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Contact Support.
  3. Fill out the submission form and title your email "ATTN: MARIE – “5.2.3 crashed 2 times when search for songs” in the provided subject line. Thanks!
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Hi @Fresh27, I sent you a DM looking for some additional info. Can you please check and respond via DM? Thanks!

What is the solution to this problem? Slak_Jaw It is taking too long ?!. The software is very good, but even using the best application is pointless when it crashes all the time.What’s the point of updating for the worse, I don’t understand it? I’m not sure it was the right decision to pay for this product…


I would also like to know, when can we expect this to be fixed?

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Hello everyone, engineering has identified the issue and it should be addressed in the 5.2.4 update which is currently in private beta testing. We hope to have this ready for public release soon, but don’t have an official release date yet. Thanks!