📣 ANNOUNCEMENT: iOS 18 and macOS 15 Compatibility

Great news. Awesome to see that you are on top of this. :+1:


Not meaning to be disrespectful in anyway, but:
Geez, are you faster than the guys over at NI - kudos!


My Mac automatically update to the latest Mac OSX, DJay seems to be working OK, I’m going to be using DJay in the weekend, I also know Im using it at my own risk, Has anyone had issues.

I have no issues.

Greetz Chris

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Thanks Chris for the info


Hi @eecy_cee, please use search before creating new topics. I have merged your new topic with this existing one. Please see above for more details. Thanks!

Thank you Slak_Jaw much appreciated:)

My apologies Slak Jaw, I searched for “Siquoia” I shouldve searched for “Mac OS 15”

I notice with Siquoia it makes DJay run smoother, less laggy, less pauses, this is with home test, this is with all “library backup” file deleted and reloaded my crates from scratch, and without controller,

I find searching songs on “My Files” is better with less lag.

But I will test it out in full on my Sat Gig will report back.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Soundcloud tracks and playlists not loading

Any official support noted for MacOS 15 yet? The official Serato email arrived today confirming their software works, and they are usually the slowest. Are we sticking with the “at your own risk” for now?

Hi @djgdiddy, yes, macOS 15 is officially supported. Thanks!

Is that still the case ?

Nothing has changed in the last 3 hours since I posted that.

Hi @Slak_Jaw i mean this.


Yes, macOS 15 is now officially supported

Sorry for this misunderstanding @Slak_Jaw I asking for IOS 18 stability and performance?

@Digital_Jedi yes, iOS 18 is also officially supported. I’ve personally been running iOS with djay for about 2 months now.

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Thank you @Slak_Jaw :pray:

You’re welcome @Digital_Jedi

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Even “Siquoia” was wrong, becaus the name of the (meanwhile old) macOS was “Sequoia”.

Greetz Chris

they use the words “Mac Os 15” but I think they are adding “Siquoia”

thats why I also could’nt find the thread.