Custom Looper packs

I have wanted to post a topic about looper packs, but as I see the original post have been posted 3 years ago, and still not developed, not integrated into DJay Pro 5. They are listen! Great guys, another nice shot by you! Really, is that would be a hard to dev this basic feature?

Maybe the way forward for this is to allow integration of Plugins in DJay Pro Neural AI alongside the main decks? Then you could add whatever you liked in sync to your tracks.

I get that people want the built in Looper to load their custom packs. Just curious if using third party VST’s would be an acceptable work around to you all or not really?

Another idea would be to integrate something like Loop Cloud. Imagine if you could have your top 2-4 decks playing your Library, and the Looper is accessing sounds from online via Loop Cloud (or similar services), custom assigned to each button. I believe Loop Cloud can scan your user samples so maybe it would be possible that way?

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Hey all,

I moved to Djay from Serato and was super excited to see the loop grid resembling Ableton Live! Which, I thought, would replace the need to use Live in my hybrid sets… only to be disappointed to see that there is no customization options (yet, hopefully).
Please integrate this feature as soon as possible!

Upfront sorry if it seems like spamming, but this topic is extremely important to me and one of the key reasons I want to do the switch from serato (after almost 20 years, jesus christ), the other being wanting to move to iOS.
I’m not a programmer, but here’s an idea how this could be rather smoothly implemented.
It’s the Looper, right? So, why not introduce a feature where you could easily “import” loops that you make in decks mode inside Djay… just like you have saved loops, this could be an option - to send the current loop on a free pad in the looper.
The upgrade to this would be, that you can send a stem to the looper, let’s say you like the drums of that track, or the melodic part…
Would be an absolute game changer IMHO. And probably (have I mentioned that I’m not a programmer) relatively easily implemented? :upside_down_face:


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I would like to add the following essential re-arranging options to the looper.

  • I need to control the looper with midi. Midi knobs are scarce, so some form of customized mapping is needed to use it efficiently.

  • My favorite loops from the packs are all on different track slots. You can map midi controls to track slots only, regardless used pack. E.g. from EDM1 I like kick 1,2,4 and from EDM2 2,5,6. I have 3 midi controls available for kicks. If you could rearrange the loops in the tracks, I could put my favorites all on the same slots that I use to map midi.

  • I’m very ‘style flexible’, I would like to combine loops from several packs into one to use simultaneously without changing packs. See also above.

  • Is there a midi mapping to toggle through the packs?

  • Please keep the loop samples themselves simple. In the packs there are some very fancy loops that could be nice only in few cases, but to map these to my controller for general use is two bridges too far. My approach, use loops for simple basic rhythms, tracks 3/4 for more advanced looping / mashing.

Cheers, Bart.

Please give us this functionality. Don’t worry about how people’s loops sound if they don’t prep them properly, that’s on them. Allow us to build loop packs with loops pulled from the decks. Do it today. You can make it more robust in Djay Pro 6, but give us something now please. I’ll pay $5 more a year for this.

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I bought Reloop Buddy as 39 anniversary. When I was Kid around end of 90’s to start of 2000’s the disco house genre was popular. The looper function in Buddy and in djay ai Pro is spot on for old school house diggers to put older track and add beats to it. I like the function but also would want it to be expanded to third party plugins to mix on top of old funk and disco but this is very good for this size and price.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Loop Sampler possible?

It is a frustration not to have the functionality to create custom grids of samples from within DJay. As others have mentioned the workaround is using Launchpad with Ableton Link, but it’s not ideal.

The Pro in DJay Pro implies that Algoriddim do want to be taken seriously and want more professional adoption of the app, if that is the case features like this that are well established in other industry leading apps really should have some time carved out for them on dev roadmaps. Either that or do some sort of collab with Novation/Focusrite.

Thanks for continuing to push this topic everyone! I have passed on your comments to the dev team for consideration. Please don’t forget to use the Vote button on this page. Thanks again!


Just to be clear then, you cannot currently add your own selection sounds to looper? You need to connect with another DAW, right?

Also - sorry I haven’t had time to explore this much as I don’t like the idea of pre-set sounds but anyway - is it possible to pick n’mix sounds from existing sample packs?

To keep this simple and get it going, then you could just have a tight set of options to begin with: Kick, snare/clap, hats. That would pretty much do me for now. maybe its not really a looper as such thats needed, more of a sequencer or drum machine, but just needs to do the same sort of job. Or maybe the you can do this with the sampler (again, sorry not had chance to dig into it).

Hi @N_C,

  1. You cannot add your own sounds to the Looper. However, you can add your own sounds to the Sampler (see below).
  2. You can pick and mix sounds from existing Sample Packs and put them into a custom sample pack. However, again you cannot do this with the Looper. Please note that the Looper and Sampler are very different tools in djay.

Thanks for the additional suggestions regarding the Looper and sequencer/drum machine. I will share this with the devs.

Ok, thanks for clarification. Doesn’t seem like the looper is currently a serious feature then.

In regards to the sampler, is that just for triggering manually, like single hits or can you run a loop a sample (drum loop for example).

Also, can samples be layered so you’re playing more than one simultaneously. Let’s say you have 3 separate loop samples 1. Kick. 2. Clap. 3. hats etc, allowing you drop each in and out.

Again sorry, finding the time to dig into every feature is challenging and asking these questions saves a lot of wasted time. Thanks.

Even the ability to create custom loops for the looper in neural mix pro would be acceptable. Export custom loop packs to djay pro, I’d happily buy the neural mix pro software for this alone.


@N_C currently, the Sampler only works with 1-shots, but there’s been a Community Suggestion to allow Loops.

Yes, you can play multiple samples at the same time.

Neural Mix Pro - basically - is a means to export stems right? But can you do re-edits - of tracks or stems - within it or do you have to export?

My ideal scenario would be…

Use NMP for stems (obviously), re-edits and loop edit/export which could then be either triggered in DJay Sampler or Looper.

This would all be so much more elegant (and useful).

I’d add some simple editing features for re-editing tracks if it doesn’t already (again, sorry not had time to check). I did try out DJ Studio but it’s not really fit for re-editing purpose.

I’ve opened up the idea of using Neural Mix Pro again here. Votes most welcome.
