Jogwheels Reloop Mixon 8 pro not tracking properly

Little information from my case.
I got newer firmware 5339, but it wont help with platter freeze.
We tested my platters and they have connection issues… the platter believes that you have finger on it, even when tou dont touch it, thats why music freezes.

With this knowledge, it doesnt have anything to do with software, and im happy to know it.
Trust fot Djay Pro is 100% but for m8 pro, its pretty low at the moment.

I have been told to get my mixon to service, its 3 months old now, so we will see if i can send it back and swap it to different device.
If im eligible to refund i try to get FLX10, and will be waiting upcoming support for it :fire:

I cant wait 2 months to get it back, theres tons of gigs to play!

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I feel your pain. Mines been at service centre 7 weeks. I returned through Bop Dj and have put a complaint in. Im waiting to see what integrations come down the line. Although I am tempted to get Rane one.

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Yeah, i will ask from my seller that is it possible to change to a different product with some cash in it… Tomorrow will be smarter :fire:

Best of luck with whatever you choose.

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Thanks for the information @Lex_Willer

Have you tried the controller with a different software? i.e. Virtual DJ?
In my case, I have the same problem as you, but strangely it only manifests in DJay Pro, not in Virtual DJ.

Moreover, there are also other users with the same problem with different controllers, i.e.:

I’m not here to defend or attack Algoriddim or Reloop.
I only want my problem solved.

But most of the evidences I collected until now points towards DJay having some kind of intermittent bug…

Just to describe what happen to me, today, when I was rehearsing for a set.
I was using channels 1, 2 (both on USB) and channel 1 (vinyl).
I’ve run into the same problem as described above in channel 2.
No matter what I do, the play button didn’t work.
I was cueing a new track in channel 2, the track was stopped and there was nothing that I could make that could restart that track.
Then I went to channel 4 (therefore using the same hardware jogwheel, play button and so on) loaded the track and start djaying without problem.
After this, I loaded a new track into channel 2 and, once again, everything was working normally.
If it was an hardware fault probably switching from channel 2 to channel 4 didn’t had been able to solve the problem….

Thanks for the additional info @MrBig1964. I’ve passed this onto the engineering team to see what they think.

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Flipping to another deck could be a workaround, I will try, but after you experience the start is not working it basically is too late already.

Edit: Never mind the text below, that issue seems to be solved … \o/

But another thought I have is this. I have similar issues with a generic controller, that has no specific jog wheels, just endless rotary knobs of which I use one to scratch, just for getting a track in position, obviously not doing any real scratching with that. After Algoriddm structurally did not react, also because it was difficult for me to make a video to show it, I kind of concluded it was a controller issue indeed. I guess real jog wheels are handled differently by the controller and maybe the midi is mapped differently as compared to what a simple rotary encoder is capable of.

Can anyone show how their jogwheels are mapped in Djay? Maybe there is more going on than just assigning the rotary 3Fh/41h or 01h/7Fh to ‘scratch’ or ‘scratch without touch detection’?
Or maybe, like a problem with using 3Fh/41h for library scroll, it could be that a similar problem occurs when using 3Fh/41h for scratch?

At first I thought the new firmware fixed the issues with stuck play button. However, to update the firmware, I swiched from usb port B to A without switching back again. It came to my mind and the play button issue came back when connecting to usb port B.

Atleast there is a workaround using port A, but the root remains unresolved.

Sorry to hear that you also have problems.
I used platter test to see how they behave, and the problem is in the platters 100%

I uploaded vid for reloops cloud, and message was clear, you need to send it to service as it is faulty.

So in my case, 100% hardware fault, not sw!

When the play button is ”on” but still music aint playing, the platter thinks you are touching it, thats why music is ”paused” :man_shrugging:t3:


I understand your experience but, anyway, if it were an hardware problem, that would also manifest when using other software. Has I previously said, the problem is only there in DJay. When using Virtual DJ there’s no problem at all…

I recommend that you take a look at the following thread where Algoriddim recognizes the problem and states that is a bug correction coming in version 5.2:

It could very well still be separate problems, don’t hold your breath. :slight_smile:

Hope so, anyway, that’s the same problem…

I’ve just had a new Mixon 8 sent to me due to hardware fault of previous one. Inner box wasn’t sealed with sellotape as usually is. Went to see what firmware it is and out of the box it’s 5339, which means it’s probably there new beta firmware as this version isn’t on their website yet. Quick 30 min test and looks good so far. I’ll test over next 30 days or so as my warranty runs out 2nd August. So far looking good. Hopefully will be sorted as now I have it back it’s a top top controller for djay pro.


Thanks for the update @Dysfunk_DJ

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Well I had some job weirdness on left jog, when pressed sometimes music would keep playing and scratch not responsive. I flashed to firmware on Reloop website 5039 and seems ok. I’ll keep testing. Pain in the neck this controller. It seems ok now so hopefully this is it.


VDJ or Serato didnt solve my Brblm…
So i send it to service.
Tomorrow (2day) i will get it back from service…
Lots of testing next week…
I bought Ddj-Rev5 for my secondary but cant get Serato to be better than Djay!
So i wish we will get hw support for that also 🫶🏽✌️

My left jog the same fault, stops need to reload track. Scratch it stops. Put finger on platter it keeps going, stuttering. Really bad this. Emailed Bop DJ.

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Hi @Dysfunk_DJ, can you please confirm if either or both of the following scenarios reproduce the issue you’re experiencing?

  1. Scratching with the track paused and either only touching the rim of the platter or disabling vinyl mode then the track will no longer play.
  2. Touching the jog wheel while the track is playing and it gets stuck and doesn’t play again when you release.

Perhaps you could share another video.