Syncing My Collection Playlists between Devices

Now that Apple Music streaming is possible within djay - what about syncing collections and analyzed tracks?

As so many users have stated above, this is crucial for me.

I’m so surprised this feature is still missing. It should be a no-brainer.

Please advise or give us an ETA.

Tracking this thread.


Hello everyone,

I spoke with engineering regarding another topic on how to manually transfer My Collection to another device. We do not have an officially recommended procedure for this mainly due to the fact that there is a huge variation in how people choose to manage their music files. Also, there are extreme restrictions imposed by iOS on how djay can work with these files.

Having said that, it basically involves 3 steps:

  1. Transfer the djay media library database file to the other device.
  2. Transfer the audio files to the other device (e.g. via iTunes/Music, USB drive, iCloud, etc.)
  3. Relink the audio files on the new device to the items in the media library. This is done by selecting and reimporting the files into My Collection.

NOTE: For macOS to iOS the recommended way to manage audio files is still to use iTunes/Music as this is much simpler and more reliable. In most cases Step 3 above is not required as djay can usually find the tracks in My Collection in the iTunes library automatically.

I hope this is helpful. Thanks!


Thanks @Slak_Jaw for posting this information here . I just wanted to state that I also believe implementing syncing of My Collection between devices should be a development priority. Many Djay users have not interest in syncing through Apple Music, which is pretty limiting. The My Collection folder is so well implemented, allowing for the combination of local files and several streaming services (and not only Apple Music). You should a way of allowing for easy syncing between devices, be it through a cloud service or at least between devices using the same local network (like between rekordbox and its mobile app), please.


It almost works, but the re-linking in step 3 on iOS is not practical. I can only add files one by one. If I could add a folder recursively it could work (while we wait for a proper cloud sync feature).

Me too. I want to use my collection across devices (iPad and Mac book).


Has there been any movement on this topic?


The inability to sync across devices is a massive flaw for a proffesional app.
Please no more workaround suggestions that don’t work properly.
Please algoriddim, let us sync across devices.


I have oodles of playlists in Djay Pro that are linking to beatport and tidal tracks. I just got a new laptop and want to sync them to my new device. How do I do it please? Is this integrated yet?

Hi @Terran_Orletsky, are you on macOS or Windows? All of your My Collection playlists are stored in the djay Media Library database file. You simply need to copy this file from your old laptop to your new one.

  1. macOS:
  2. Windows:

Trying to find a system for working with two setups, both MacOS.
Except for username for the home folder, my files are all in the same file structure on both macs.

Any known problems with copying the “djay Media Library” file from Monterey to Sonoma, every time you have made changes to a playlist?

Overwrite or delete the old file before copying to the destination disk?

For BPM data it seems there is a single file created pr. track?
Can I copy just the single file,
(ex: ff22e16657a1670839f195f6ea1b00e2.djayMetadata)
based on date crated ?

Will this mess up for other metadata?

It worked very well for the initial setup of the new mac.
Now trying to minimize problems for how to do this a bit at a time . . .
(a rigorous backup schedule seems reasonable until i know how it plays out . . .)

How do you perform step 1? 1. Transfer the djay media library database file to the other device.

Hi @Eddybobby, simply copy and paste from one device to the other. Please make sure you backup the djaymedialibrary database file before you overwrite it with another one. The file location depends on the devices you are using:

  1. macOS:
  2. iOS: open the Files App on your iOS device and navigate to On My iPad>djay>User Data.
  3. Windows:
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Hi @spiro, I’m double checking on this with the engineering team, but I don’t think there should be an issue between Monterey and Sonoma. I usually just overwrite the old file with the new one. Either way, I highly recommend that you make regular backups of your djaymedialibrary database(s) to an external drive or cloud drive so you can always revert back if something happens.

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Hi @spiro, here’s the response from engineering:

Yes, this should work. The only problem we see is the references the database holds to any local files. These references will most likely be invalidated when transferring to a new system. If the user can have exactly the same path to their home directory and they store all their local music in the ~/Music folder in their home directory then it might be ok. This is because of the macOS sandbox restrictions, and we only have default access to the ~/Music location, for any other file location the user has to manually grant djay access to the files.

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Sounds great!
Luckily the path was ~/Music/ . . . from the start, so i sidestepped reconnecting problem.
Lets hope that continues . . .

This is how it works ?

Yes, that should work. You can just copy the whole Metadata folder. However that data is also automatically re-created when re-analyzing songs, so you can also decide to not copy it.

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I have successfully copied the whole folder, but expecting to have to add more later.
One setup for preparation like BPM adjusting and playlist, and one for recording and mixing!

Thanks for looking into the file handling details!

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You’re welcome @spiro

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Being able to sync playlists from the My Collection between MacOS and iOS is SUCH a highly needed basic feature. Actually I could not believe that it doesn’t work yet. This needs to be a development priority guys. Love the App, but this is essential.


Agreed! iPad is perfect for the live situation, but playlist management is so much easier on desktop…