Hercules Inpulse T7 support

Just purchased the T7 along with the Innofader, should be here on Wednesday. I guess I will have to subscribe to Serato DJ Pro for now. Keeping my fingers crossed that DJAY PRO support will come soon enough. :crossed_fingers:


Well done Algoriddim
Just watched your video announcing the latest updates… rushed to the website to check the list of supportet controllers and you’ve f****Ng done it!!!

Native support for the Hercules Inpulse T7

I honestly cannot thank you enough for this… you’ve really restored my faith in Algoriddim as a company that listens to their community.

I cannot sing your praises high enough right now.
Huge thanks and respect going out to @Slak_Jaw for supporting us on this thread, and pushing our request to the right people.


Yeah baby. Enjoy man. Im loving Rev 5 update. Awesome

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@Raymond_S Soon enough is here!!


Amazing news !! Sick and tired of Seratos shonky beat grids, Algoriddim just locks in the groove every time…:facepunch::smiley::facepunch:


Hi everyone,

We’re happy to announce that in today’s v5.2 update for djay on Mac, iOS, and Windows, the T7 is now supported.

For more information, please click the link below.

Have a nice day!


CleanShot 2024-07-02 at 09.50.29

Dreams do come true.
Thank you Algoriddim.

I can’t believe the timing. I ordered the T7 on Sunday, it will be here tomorrow, and today there is a 5.2 update which includes support for the T7… unbelievable. No longer need to subscribe to Serato Pro.

Now back to watching the 5.2 update video.


You’re welcome @Raymond_S

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Can anyone report on the accuracy of the official mapping in the new 5.2 version?

Been meaning to grab a T7 for a while, but wanted to know if the jog’s are spot-on, with no drift/latency etc. when scratching, or if there’s any other issues with integration with DJay?

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I tested it, and it feels more accurate then rane one.
Rane one feels better on serato then djay pro.
But Hercules for me it feels better on djay pro then serato.
No Drifts so far detected.

I tested this on MacOS

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@NathanielAlgo @Slak_Jaw
Every Algoriddim team member needs to watch this video from Phil Morse at Digital DJ.

He gives some amazing feedback, and I can even quote him as saying “this is the best DJ software in my view”

Every member of the Algoriddim team could take something away from this video, to drive Algoriddim to even greater success.

Everyone is rooting for you guy’s… we’re all sick of the Pioneer/Alpha-Fetus domination.

If we must have a Pioneer/Alpha-Fetus setup in every club and venue in the universe, let’s make it so DJ’s can just plug in their Phone/Tablet/Laptop into any setup, and seamlessly mix into the previous DJs last tune.

And here’s the dream…The next DJ plugs their Phone/Tablet/Laptop into the setup, and Djay software links and syncs the two devices so the DJs can once again seamlessly handover to eachother (Ableton Link might be a good standard for manufacturers to follow)

This is how you will takeover…when DJs realise they’re not handcuffed to Rekordbox!!!

I wish you guys all the best.


Yoooooo!!! This sooooo great! Words cannot express my gratitude to the staff at Algoriddim. So excited to rock my T7 and DJAY Pro. Thank you Thank you Thank you! Videos to follow!


You’re welcome. Thanks for the positive feedback @Terrence_Lewis


Last year I bought the T7 with the hope that one day it might be supported in Djay Pro. I am so appreciative that the Algoriddim team listened.

So far I’m loving the update!


Finally, thank you so much guys. I been testing my t7 with the ipad and runs well, need some updates but that is a good start. @Slak_Jaw thanks for the the support :pray:t2:

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You’re welcome @Carlos_Gonzalez


Been testing the T7 with the ipad and noticed the stem separation has a slight delay. If I press the vocal button, there’s a bit of delay until the vocals are isolated. Same with the Stems EQ. Im using an M1 ipad pro. I still have my REV 1 and there no noticeable delay with using the stem EQ

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Hercules Inpulse T7 Drift Issue


I am testing the T7 with the IPad Version and I have some questions:

  1. Start/Stop delay: I want a longer stop delay when pushing the play pause button but doesn’t matter which delay I set in the setting it doesn’t have an impact ( I can only assume that this is because the motorized platter is in play ? )
  2. the LED on the Browse knobs can blink in the beat tempo but with Djay Pro it just has one static color, is this something that could be added ?
  3. as some know the backspin isn’t the best with the provided mats so I was wondering if the speed of the backspin can be adjusted ( I cannot midi map the wheels so there is no option to adjust the speed) but maybe there is a temporary button that could be mapped to some backspin I saw there is an backspin action in the midi mapping but for me it has no effect

Thank you very much for helping me

Hi @FiNKi, thanks for the feedback. I have forwarded this to the engineering team to see if they can offer any suggestions. I’ll report back here when I have news. Thanks!

Regarding the Backspin, you can MIDI map this in djay to an available button on your controller. First, press the button you want to map on your controller for the Deck 1 Backspin. Then set the Target to Deck 1 and scroll down to the FX Section and set the Action to Backspin. Also, make sure in the Advanced Control Configuration you have the Type set to Button. Repeat this for another button for Deck 2.