New DVS Issues - 5.2.2

@Slak_Jaw I need access to download…

Sorry about that @DJ-Z. Please try again.

Hi again @DJ-Z, engineering would still like a recording of your DVS signal per the link above, but they have provided the following response to your latest video.

  1. Stop time: this is expected behavior. When DVS is active the song plays as close to the movement of the physical vinyl as possible, therefore the stop time setting has no effect. If you want a slower stop, you have to perform it on the turntable.
  2. Regarding accuracy: if you experience interference from physical shocks you should try calibrating and if that doesn’t help, move the sensitivity slider further to the right.
  3. Regarding the 3rd stop issue, this appears to be a bug and we will investigate it further. In the meantime, turning Sync OFF before stopping the deck will probably remedy this.


  1. Stop time: previously worked fine as should be! And I didnt changed nothing on my turtbale everything is same as before. Just think, DVS is simulate the real record, so, shouldn’t affect it, that would be a normal behaving as it was. So I can not agree with what engineering saying. It’s a bug for 100% sure!!

  2. Accuracy: this bug already had it previously, just update fixed that. Now we have again. Recalibration as you posted, also helped to fix accuracy, but this time doesn’t work!

  3. 3rd Stop phenomenon: yes, Sync, or FX Crossfader OFF work, Stop not affecting on running song.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll pass this on…

Hi @Slak_Jaw,
here are some update, I have recorded control tone, and made a Stop time test on Mac too. I have to say that, on Mac stopping behaving works so close as real vinyl, but on iOS (iPad Pro) doesn’t, similar, but not same as on Mac, on iOS, in there is some annoying differences in stop behaving.

Here is the link to download zip file.

Thanks for the recording @DJ-Z.

  1. Are you using the same Stop Time in seconds on iOS and macOS? This setting is found in Settings>General/PLAY/PAUSE>Stop Time.
  2. Also, did you run the same calibration and use the same Sensitivity settings on iOS and macOS?

of course, all settings are same on Mac and iOS

Excellent. Thanks for confirming

Hi again @DJ-Z, engineering reviewed your DVS signal and everything looks good there.

  1. Stop Time: can you please try turning OFF Key Lock to see if that helps?
  2. Accuracy: can you please more clearly explain this issue, including a picture of the calibration info, a video of it happening, and if you’re using a different piece of DVS software, also a picture of those settings and a video showing how that behaves. Engineering hasn’t changed the DVS code in over a year so they think something else must be contributing to the issue you have observed. Therefore we need to more clearly understand your specific issue in order to help you further. Thanks!

Also, have you read the PDF in the linked FAQ article below regarding turntable calibration in djay? Perhaps this will help:

Hi @Slak_Jaw

• I have tried, that Key Lock, if that have OFF state, stop time works as should be on iOS.
• I have made 1 hour ride live stream, the accuracy is recurring issue, as I mentioned before, and very hard to tell whats exacly wrong with it, but it is a disaster, and I have to say with my full respect, DVS is not done, that is still in beta, not work as should be!!
• Also, if CFX is on, for example Deck 1 run, on Deck 2 next song will play and you want listen into the next song, and you can’t! I was so surprised, there was no sign in led meter, that was full muted. it looks like there is no signal…

Its very annoying, after DVS feature have released, just I’m sorry for that, but worse and worse…

Check here, and sit down :slight_smile:

Yes, I have read the PDF and I have set up calibration as in instruction, some times on one of my control vinyl say signal is too loud, sometimes it seems tonearm too heavy…but I have the same (3g) weight on both turntable…

Hi @DJ-Z, thanks for the additional information and video. I’ve shared this with engineering.

  1. Stop Time: thanks for confirming that Key Lock OFF addresses the stop time issue. Please note that enabling Key Lock adds a latency of about 100msec. This is currently a known performance limitation that our team is already investigating (see linked topic below).
    Weird behaviour when disabling autoloop
  2. Accuracy: I will report back on this after engineering has reviewed your video.
  3. CFX Headphone Cueing: this is a known limitation when using CFX that the engineering team is already investigating as well. Please see the linked topics below:
    Reloop Buddy Headphone Cue Not Working with Crossfader FX - #2 by Slak_Jaw
    Headphone Cue Not Working with Crossfader FX

Also, I have noted
Stop time: only the left (deck 1) turntable affect the running deck
Accuracy (sensitivity): is it possible control vinyl has some damage or extra deeper dirt in the grooves, and those are affecting the accuracies issues?

Does the official control vinyl has any guarantee?

Thanks for the additional feedback @DJ-Z. I’ve shared this with engineering.