NOTE: Please use the search function above before posting to avoid creating duplicate topics.

  • Device model: Rane 4
  • Version of operating system: IOS/Windows/MacOS
  • Version of djay: 5.0
  • Hardware/controllers used: Rane 4

Looks like there was an older thread on this that is now closed. Do we have any indication of when the Rane 4 would be supported if at all? Would like to get votes on this topic if possible.

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Hi @carlosimonelive, I’ve merged your new topic with this existing one. Please cast your vote here.

I’d also be willing to pay good money for comprehensive Rane Four support. Love the software and exciting at the prospect of transitioning from Serato to DJay Pro but the hardware support just isn’t there.


Hi @Terry_Wegner, please use the search tool before creating new topics. I’ve merged yours with this existing one. Thanks!

Just to keep this thread alive. Algoriddim is so much better than Serato, only thing is. It feel really silly to pay for Algoriddim when 2 years since I got my Rane 4 and still no support…


Does anyone have a partial midi mapping of the Rane Four they can share?

I attempted to map it but it became a little frustrating when using 4 decks. Unfortunately, I currently only use my Rane Four with Serato.

If I want to use DJ Pro I use it with my Pioneer Rev 1.

Still waiting on Algorithm to come out with official support.


Temos alguma novidade?

I recently did a gamble a bought a rane four. this contoller is amazing. but one thing that is hurting me is that Djay pro is not working with it. when I purchased I knew it was not mapped to Djay but, I was hoping it will be provide to customers soon. I like Djay pro I think it’s an awesome app. in my opinion the best one. My question is if or will there be any support for this request? Djay has been my go to app for 10 years. if the support is not there I will need to switch to Serato and cancel my subscription with Djay pro. which I don’t want to do. As a loyal customer please help with this request.


Hi @D_Nozie, I can’t say much other than the dev team is working hard behind the scenes on new hardware and we should have some news to share soon…


Hi everyone!
Will support for the Rane Four be available in a near future?
Anyone midi mapped that could share?
Thanks :v:


I think that is the question which we are all waiting for an answer for, besides the canned company answer of showing us the page of supported software. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_monocle::face_with_peeking_eye:

I’m using Serato with the Rane Four now patiently waiting for support. It’s been over a year and crickets from alogoriddim. If I use DJ Pro now it’s with the Pioneer Rev 1.


Hi! One more user of DJAY PRO that have a Rane Four… still waiting for mapping. I will pause my subcription because of this… please give support to Rane Four. :pray::pray::pray::pray:


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It seems that RANE FOUR support (macOS only) was just announced as part of the 5.2 update. I’m curious if this includes support for the jog screens. The hardware compatibility page hasn’t been updated yet, and there was no mention of it in the leaked footnotes. This contrasts with the DDJ-FLX10, which had a footnote stating the jog screens were not supported, and was just announced supported as well.

Edit: hardware compatibility page now updated, and seems to suggest the in-jog screens are supported. If this could be confirmed, that would be helpful! Still evaluating a replacement for the Reloop Mixon 8 I had to return.

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Hi everyone,

Hi everyone,

We’re happy to announce that in today’s v5.2 update for djay on Mac and Windows, the RANE FOUR is now supported.

For more information, please click the link below.

Happy mixing!

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This is awesome! Are you able to confirm the in-jog screens on the RANE FOUR are fully supported?

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Looks like they are from what I’ve seen on you tube video on Mac

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